On the Corner of Heartache and Hopeful--MIC

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Book: On the Corner of Heartache and Hopeful--MIC by Lynda Bailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynda Bailey
real chance for her to have the family
she’d always dreamed of, with the man of her dreams. Scott. Her Prince
    She turned onto
Ester’s street, reflecting on how quickly circumstances could change. Had it
just been last week when she’d visited Carmen in Denver? Then, she couldn’t
have felt lonelier. Now, the idea of being alone was as foreign as the Japanese
in the Toyota manuals. And this was all possible because of the tragic death of
Ester Trehune.
    While she would
never, ever, be grateful for Ester’s passing, Mic had faith her dear friend was
looking down from Heaven, a smile on her face, pleased that she and Scott had
found each other. Pulling to a stop in front of the two-story house, she was
out of the car almost before cutting the motor. Though she’d been with Scott
that morning, she bounded up the porch steps, her heart racing in anticipation
at seeing him again.
    The big wooden
door stood open and she grasped the screen door handle just as his baritone
voice reached her ears. “I completely understand your position. But right now I
don’t have a choice. I’m obligated.”
    Something in his
tone sent glass shards into her belly. Though she knew it was wrong, she
stepped to the side and listened.
    “Of course it’s
feasible for things to change…I don’t think that’s likely—now why would you say
that? You know how I feel about you…”
    The floor
creaked near the door. Mic’s heart froze. She pressed tighter to the rough wood
siding. How could she explain eavesdropping on Scott?
    “All right. No
more stupid talk about leaving, agreed?…Good. My responsibilities here are
almost done so I’ll be flying back tomorrow. My flight’s scheduled to arrive
around six in the evening. Can you pick me up?...Great, Snookie….You know I love
you, too.” The floor squeaked again then faded. “Now, about the Coolidge
    Once she was
certain the coast was clear, Mic bolted off the porch. Tears streaming down her
face, she ran as fast as she could from the house, and the betrayal that slashed
her chest. What had she thought? That circumstances could change in a snap? How
    Everything had
been a lie. All of it. Scott didn’t care for her, wasn’t fond of her, never
felt like he could grow to love her. Whatever “responsibility” he had was over
and he was going back to New York. And she was going back to being alone. No
fairytale ending for her.
    After sprinting
six blocks, she slowed to a jog, then a brisk walk. Sweat mingled with her
tears and stung her eyes. She wiped at them then tugged her Reds cap lower over
her face to hide the evidence she was crying. She rounded the corner and saw
the street sign.
Avenue and Hopeful Drive .
    She leaned
against the building and covered her face with a hand. A most desolate sense of
wretchedness ate her alive. Heartache and Hopeful.
    No truer words
could describe her life. Mere minutes ago, she’d been hopeful, traveling in the
direction she had always wished. Nothing was left now except bereft heartache.
    She pivoted and
started on a slow walk home, head down. None of the guys were expecting her
back at the garage this late in the afternoon, so why return? All she’d get
would be curious stares and whispered comments about her swollen eyes and red
nose, and the reasons she had them.
    As she walked,
Mic became less emotional about Scott and more philosophical. In spite of the
pain splintering her heart, she wouldn’t change a thing about her time with
    She had been
glorious and feminine, if only for a night. She hadn’t been a grease monkey,
but a desirable woman. More than she ever could have hoped for. She would
always carry the memory of their time together. It wasn’t the same as a flesh
and blood person, but in the absence of such a person, she’d take the memory.
It was better than never having been with him at all.
    Besides did she
truly have any other choice?
* ~
    A whistle on his
lips, Scott ambled out

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