Wasteland Rules: Die Fighting (The World After Book 4)

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Book: Wasteland Rules: Die Fighting (The World After Book 4) by J.G. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.G. Martin
nickname, and the only name Derek ever got
from him, was Zona. He and Derek had worked together a few times as bounty
       Zona was a third generation Mexican-American, and
Derek remembered that Zona did have ties to Aztlan, occasionally carrying out
bounties for them. He was very handsome and charismatic and had done very well
with the ladies. He also had a propensity for getting in trouble with cuckolded
husbands and boyfriends. He and Derek had never had a falling out, so he had no
idea why the man would want him dead.
       They had worked together as part of a small team
hunting down hijackers for the Hauler’s Guild. For four months that had tracked
down a band of raiders that were hijacking the big rigs and killing the drivers
and escorts. They had received a nice payday and everyone had parted ways
happy. Derek remembered that Zona had been an effective and skilled operator,
but he had never had a problem killing their prey instead of taking them alive.
       “How did you catch him?” Derek asked the captain.
       “He and another man were in an armored SUV heading
west when the gunship arrived.” She told him. “They ignored commands to stop
and fired on the gunship, so they naturally fired back. The SUV was disabled
and they came out shooting. He survived the other guy didn’t.”
       “Where is his body?” Derek asked.
       “Over there.” The Ranger captain said as she
       Derek followed her finger to a body nearby. It was
a short man wearing dirty and faded denim jeans and jacket. He had a
bulletproof vest over a gray shirt. Blood covered his entire body and he was
badly burned. His face was unrecognizable, but Derek noted the black leather
gloves the man was wearing. His left hand was missing a finger and that clued
Derek in to who he was.
       It was another bounty hunter Derek had crossed path
with, a redneck nicknamed Huey Luey. He was well known for his explosives
expertise and that explained the heavy use of IEDs and bombs. That surprise at
the hotel had been his. Derek was baffled. Neither of the men had any bad blood
with him, and they hadn’t even had an interaction in years. Why were these guys
working with the Reconquistadors to kill him?
       Derek walked over to Zona and waved off the medic.
Zona looked up at him and grimaced with pain. He had several wounds, but a
gaping hole in his shoulder looked to be the worst.  Derek crouched down so he
could look the man in the eyes.
       “Zona.” He stated simply.
       “Storm.” Zona replied through clenched teeth.
       “They said you wanted to talk to me.” Derek
       “Get these guys to let me go and I’ll tell you what
I know.” Zona begged him. “I can’t spend the rest of my life in a Texas prison.
These guys will make sure it is a living hell.”
       Derek glanced up at the Rangers guarding Zona. They
glared daggers at the bounty hunter. His bombs and traps had killed many of
their friends and comrades. Derek was sure they wouldn’t let Zona just walk
away. He needed to make the man talk, he needed to know if the computer core
even existed and who had ordered the ambush. With a sigh Derek leaned forward
and stuck his thumb in the bounty hunters shoulder wound.
       Zona screamed in pain as the thumb jabbed into his
body. The two Ranger guards flinched but looked away. The Ranger captain
stepped forward involuntarily, but Rora pulled her back and shook her head. The
woman got a displeased look on her face but didn’t intervene. Derek was sure
she didn’t like the idea of torturing prisoners, but sometimes you did what you
needed to on the field of battle.
       “Why are you trying to kill me Zona?” Derek asked
as he removed his thumb.
       Zona gasped in relief as the pain subsided. “Damn
Storm, I don’t remember you being so mean.” He whined.
       “You weren’t trying to kill me before.” Derek
snarled. “Now tell me why you tried to kill me or I will keep

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