Battle Earth X
Yang," said Vega.
    "Put it through."
    Huang appeared before them. He was a young Admiral with boyish looks, and although he must be at least thirty, he didn't look it. Huber opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Huang.
    "Admiral Huber. You have been unwilling to hear and act upon the concerns of myself and many other Captains in this fleet. We therefore have no choice but to demand you stand down as Admiral of this fleet, a position that was never awarded to you, nor were you entitled to bestow upon yourself. We insist that you step down and accept negotiations as to the structure of this fleet. Or.."
    "Or what? You'll fire on us? You'll fire on what remains of the human race? You wouldn't be here if it weren't for us and this ship, and don't you forget it!"
    He cut off the transmission and looked to Capwell.
    "Open a channel to the fleet."
    "Everyone, Sir?"
    "Yes, absolutely everyone, including the Lo Yang. I want everyone to hear this."
    "Yes, Sir."
    Capwell nodded to the Admiral to acknowledge he was now live with the entire fleet.
    "This is the Admiral speaking. Admiral Huber of the Washington, flagship of the fleet. The Washington is the most powerful vessel we have, and as the highest ranked senior Naval officer, the responsibility of this fleet falls into my hands. I did not ask for this nor seek it. I don't want to rule as a President nor King. I will continue to serve in the capacity I always have done. But there are others among us who would seek to divide our forces and struggle for power themselves."
    He looked to Taylor for support. Taylor nodded in agreement, and he went on.
    "The survival of the fleet is dependent on us sticking together and doing what is best for us all. I will not tolerate dissent among the officers. It is a luxury we cannot afford. In time, we will establish a civilian government, and that process is already underway. But I want to assure you all, that I will do everything in my power to protect this fleet. Admiral Huang is taking up arms against us and is therefore threatening our safety. Those who would follow him and recklessly endanger all we have fought to defend, go now. Go, or stay and submit to my command."
    He looked to Dupont who stood beside him in support.
    "Admiral Huang, you have five minutes to recall your fighters and stand down. You may either end this peacefully so that we may go about our lives, or leave the fleet. The alternative will be your destruction."
    Huber ended the transmission and watched the map projected on the table before them. He could see three warships embark for Huang's position, and one came back over to theirs.
    "This will not end well."
    "No, Colonel Taylor," he replied, "but I didn't pick this fight, and I'll be damned if I am going to back down and be walked over by this son of a bitch. What else could I have done?"
    Taylor had no idea how to respond to that.
    "I didn't say I had all the answers, but this isn't what we need right now."
    "It wasn't of my choosing. If Huang wants to pick a fight, then that's his choice, but we'll be the ones to end it. Order all civilian craft to fall back twenty klicks to this point," said Huber as he pointed to the map.
    "Anyone here know Huang? Anyone know what sort of man he is?"
    "I do."
    They looked around to see it was Cordero who had spoken.
    "Will he fire on us? Is he that crazy?"
    "He will do whatever is necessary to ensure the best course of action for this fleet."
    "If he's as power hungry as he sounds, I have no doubt he will fire," Taylor added.
    "Power hungry? That is rather rich coming from you all. You have seized power and have the audacity to call those who question it troublemakers. And you, Taylor, your loyalties turn like the wind. You are not a man to be trusted."
    "Sir, I have Admiral Huang for you," said Capwell.
    "Put him through!" Huber bawled.
    "Admiral, stand down!" Huber pleaded with him.
    "I am sorry but I cannot. If I allow you to continue on this path, it sets a dangerous

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