Cowboy Heaven

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Book: Cowboy Heaven by Cheryl L. Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl L. Brooks
ear like crazy before I noticed what he was doing.” I held up my hand, studying my fingers. “You know, my nails have never looked this good. Dad used to fuss at me for biting them so much. He just never knew what he was actually fussing at me about.”
    â€œMaybe we could come up with something he wouldn’t take exception to, like rubbing your chin.”
    â€œThat would work, although he might notice the new gesture. He’s fairly observant—even though his eyesight isn’t what it used to be. He’s been failing for the past couple of years, and watching him deteriorate has been tough. Cody’s death affected him almost as strongly as it did me and the kids. He used to say he had no qualms about how the ranch would be taken care of when he was gone. He’s not so sure about it now.”
    â€œHe doesn’t think you’re up to going it alone?”
    â€œNot really,” I admitted. “He says women are too softhearted to make good ranchers. I disagree, but I wouldn’t mind having someone to discuss things with. My friend Jenny runs a ranch not far from here. Whenever she has a problem, she bounces it off me. I guess I’ll do the same when Dad’s gone.” I’d never dreamed I’d be living out my life without Cody, much less running the ranch by myself. Not that I’d taken him for granted—I’d cherished every moment of our time together. I just hadn’t expected it to be so short.
    â€œWhat about your sons?”
    â€œNeither of them wants to come back to the ranch after college. I’m glad they have other interests, but it would be nice to think they’d be around to help out.”
    Hearing hoofbeats, I glanced up as the men rode in, so any further comments Troy might have made were put on hold. Only then did I realize how much I was not looking forward to explaining Troy to Rufus. Dad had taken to the idea without too much trouble, but Rufus might be tougher to convince—especially since he hadn’t been consulted. However, Rufus understood the chain of command. Dad was the boss and I was right under him. He might voice his concerns, but he always respected our authority.
    My mention of Jenny reminded me I’d better give her a call since she was the best choice for someone who might have recommended Troy. As thorough as Rufus tended to be with such matters, I wouldn’t have been a bit surprised if he’d called her to check Troy’s references.
    I had to laugh because Jenny would never have sent me anyone as cute as Troy. She would have kept him for herself even if she had to sell off some of her herd to pay him. I only hoped Rufus wouldn’t reach the same conclusion.
    On the other hand, Jenny had a thing for handlebar mustaches. Although Troy was clean-shaven, she might have overlooked that deficiency in light of his other attributes. I certainly would have, but then mustaches were never a favorite of mine. Cody had grown one once, but it went up my nose whenever I kissed him, so he shaved it off.
    As Rufus dismounted, I thought about what I’d told Troy about him. Yes, he still had the body he came here with. Although he was a big man, if there was an ounce of fat on him, I certainly couldn’t see it. He had a commanding presence too—like a military officer or a football coach—and not only because of his size. Something in the set of his shoulders and the angle of his jaw made him stand out from the other men. In the years since I’d first met him, his thick, curly hair had gone from black to gray, and his eyes had become more piercingly blue. His face was leaner, and the lines in it had deepened, but it was the same face I had admired as a teenager.
    Becoming foreman hadn’t altered him in the slightest. He’d been born for the job. It was his perfect niche, perhaps even his destiny. If he’d ever aspired to be anything else, he kept it to himself, seeming

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