Siege Of the Heart

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Book: Siege Of the Heart by Elise Cyr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elise Cyr
Welsh are not to be taken lightly, and Lord Dumont felt I would better serve him here defending the castle than by his side.”
    “I see.”
    “ Eh bien ,” Captain Thomas said, eager to change the subject, “I will speak with Isabel tomorrow, after she has time to calm down. As she said, she is not without sense and can be made to see reason.”
    “How much did you hear?” Alex asked with a sidelong glance.
    “Enough to know your handling of the situation also left much to be desired.”

    The first thing Isabel spied when she woke from sleep was Matilde’s stern face. With a groan, Isabel sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Well? Out with it,” she said when Matilde remained silent. “You are no doubt here to tell me I behaved childishly last night.”
    “At least you have sense enough this morning to recognize your foolishness,” the woman replied.
    “You do not know what you speak of.”
    Matilde did not cower at her harsh tone. “I know you insulted Alexandre, and he could not spare anyone a kind word for the rest of the evening.”
    A night of fitful sleep had done naught to quell her fury at the man or herself. “Then know he insulted me first.”
    “Such anger. I have never seen you so quick to temper. What is troubling you?”
    Isabel opened her mouth to speak, then shut it. How could she possibly explain how tenuous her status was now with Father gone? How Alexandre’s presence threatened any means she had to protect herself and her family’s lands?
    The older woman sat next to her and placed a comforting hand on her forearm. “My dear, you would be wise to mind yourself around Alexandre and his men—”
    Isabel pulled away from her touch. “I know, I know. I must set the example for everyone else. But his attitude, Matilde. He has only to look at me and I feel my blood boil like a stewpot on the fire.”
    “What did he say to you?”
    Isabel sighed. “It is not so much what he says but how he says it. He is suspicious of my involvement in the scouting party, he is concerned about my father, and I am certain he is looking for any reason to take control of Ashdown.”
    “You have good cause to be concerned for your future. We all do. That does not excuse your behavior last night,” Matilde lectured. “You must apologize to him for your conduct.”
    Her stomach clenched at the thought. “Yes,” Isabel said softly. Matilde patted her hand as though she assumed the matter settled. Isabel wished she could do the same, but recalled too well the way his body felt as he pressed her into the wall last night, the touch intimate despite the situation. She shuddered. Her reaction to Alexandre made him even more dangerous. Despite how much she disliked him, she had behaved abominably and would have to endure the consequences.
    Matilde departed, and once Averill finished with her hair, Isabel left her rooms to attend Prime. Father Joseph’s familiar voice leading the prayers was a relief after so much upheaval. Following the ceremony, she clung to her normal routine, answering the frantic questions of the household staff, approving the meals for the week and ensuring the household accounts were current.
    The weak winter sun had reached its highest point in the sky when she finally remembered her promise to apologize to Alexandre. With her duties complete, she had no more excuses. She swept through the grounds and found the Norman outside, instructing his men in a drill.
    Captain Thomas observed their routine and more of her soldiers watched, some in awed curiosity, others sneering at the display. As soon as Captain Thomas saw Isabel, he hastened to her side, trying to head her off.  
    “Not now, Captain. I would speak with Alexandre.” Captain Thomas had already conveyed his displeasure at her conduct in front of their guest. She paid no heed to his long-suffering sigh, but the way the chill air cut through her mantle was harder to ignore.
    Alexandre must have heard her voice, for he turned

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