Dead Man Running

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Book: Dead Man Running by Barry Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barry Davis
beast's shoulder .   It creeped Chi out how the bitch seemed so very comfortable in the role as this monster's protector .  In a strange way it reminded him of Nancy Reagan and the way she protected her 'Ronnie' back in the day .
    "I overheard , Chi .  They want to search the house? "
    " Yeah, I told them it was okay. "
    " Should you have done that? "
    " There's nothing to hide, is there? "
    " Uh, no. "  She sh ook her head.
    " They want to interview Wiley.  Bring him down in a few minutes. "
    Jan nodded.  " Okay.   Aren't you afraid he might say something wrong? "
    " Like the nursery rhymes or X-rated stuff he's been saying?  There's no crime in being addled minded – if there was half of New York would be behind bars."  He snorted.  " Best case," he said, "Ben Wiley sits there spewing nonsense and the cops will go away thinking he's stonewalling them."
    "And worst case?"
    "He eats them and we have the entire NYPD on our doorstep."
    Chi returned to the living room.  " Reverend Wiley will be right down.  So will Ms. Sugerfoot. "
    " There's no problem, is there? " asked Jones.  Chi disliked the man and for a moment fantasized that Wiley did eat this one.
    " No.  Reverend Wiley is looking forward to clearing up this entire matter. "
    Wiley entered the room, assisted by Jan's guiding arm .  She led him to the loveseat where they both s a t.
    Leone took the lead.  " Reverend Wiley, I know you're a busy man and we'll make this brief. "
    Wiley did not respond, he merely stared ahead .   His eyes settled on his late wife's prized gardenias just outside the window .
    Leone cleared his throat.  " Okay.  Reverend, have you ever seen this woman? "  The detective pull ed out a photo of the missing reporter.  Wiley stare d ahead.
    "Congressman Wiley?  Yoo hoo?  It would help if you actually looked at the photo ," said Jones.  He waved his hands in front of Wiley's face.  Wiley continue d to stare ahead.
    Leone looked at Chi.  " I thought you said he was looking forward to clearing this whole thing up? "
    " We'r e just getting dicked around here," added Jones.
    " Reverend Wiley, if you don't want to answer our questions, we'll contact the New York District Attorn ey 's Office who will compel your answers," threatened Leone.
    Silence, then Wiley finally spoke: " And I want all you to go out and heal somebody today!  I say heal somebody! "
    The detectives look ed at each other.
    " Is he on something? " asked Jones.
    " No, the Reverend doesn't take drugs , " Chi responded.
    "Since when?" asked Jones.  "It's been all over the news about all th e shit this fucker takes."
    Leone waved the dead woman's picture in front of Wiley's face.  " We'll ask one more time, have you ever seen this woman? "
    " Bring ya momma in and I'll heal her too! "
    " There's no reasons for insults! " said Jones
    " We're getting nowhere here.  I'm afraid we will have to take this to the DA.  Reverend Wiley, the DA will convene a grand jury and compel your testimony.  Either you 'll testify or you 'll go to jail , " said Leone.
    " And jail is not a nice place for such an obviously refined man as yourself ," added Jones.   " Will you reconsider Reverend Wiley? "
    The room wa s silent.  Wiley's eyes shift ed from the garden to Jones.   A smile appeared on his decaying lips.
    " After I bust this nut I'll get behind you! "
    Jones bolted to his feet.  " Hey, no need to get crude about it! "
    Leone stood , taking his time to assess this obviously impaired man.  " Reverend Wiley, we're going to conduct our search, then leave.  But we'll be back.  Very soon. "
    Chi stood.  " Where do you want to start looking? "
    " We'll start in the basement ," answered Jones .
    The detectives work ed their way upstairs, finally reaching the master bedroom after a thorough and fruitless search.
    The detectives st ood outside the room with Chi and Jan.
    " I think this is the last room.  Whose room is this? " Leone asked.
    " This is the Reverend

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