Nothing but Meat: A dark, heart-stopping British crime thriller

Free Nothing but Meat: A dark, heart-stopping British crime thriller by Adrian Kendrew

Book: Nothing but Meat: A dark, heart-stopping British crime thriller by Adrian Kendrew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian Kendrew
laughed. ‘Great,
thanks for making me feel special Simone.’
    ‘Seriously John, everyone
is thinking about you. Jackson especially but he’s run ragged at the moment.’
    A face appeared at the window and there was a quick rap at
the door before it opened and four people entered all holding flowers and paper
bags of grapes. Roxanne greeted them and the room was suddenly very crowded.
Barratt said a few hellos and quickly introduced Simone to his two brothers and
their wives. They started to chat with one another and Simone knew it was time
to go. She said, ‘I’m going to get going and let you have some time with your
family. Some of us don’t have the luxury of staying in bed all day.’
    ‘Okay it was good to see you.’
    She put her hand on his. ‘Take care.’
    He gripped her fingers softly but firmly and said, ‘Thanks
Simone.’ He glanced at his wife who was talking to John’s brother but also
eavesdropping their exchange, she looked back mid-conversation and caught
Simone’s eye again. Barratt said, ‘I couldn’t have left her alone. We’re all
very grateful.’
    ‘You don’t need to say anything,’ she said and picked a grape
from one of the many bunches and popped it in her mouth with a wink.
    Simone left the room after saying goodbye to Roxanne and
Tanya and the rest of Barratt’s family and returned to the canteen to wait for
    When West arrived he looked surprisingly relaxed, she joined
him and they headed towards his father’s room.
    ‘They’re talking about moving him into a care home by the
weekend,’ West said quietly as they followed the signs to the correct ward.
    ‘Is that good?’
    ‘It’s what happens when the doctors can’t do anything more to
    ‘Oh.’ She wondered if the reason for his relaxed demeanour
was because the severity of his father’s condition had hit home. She didn’t
know what to say so she said, ‘I sorry.’
    ‘Thanks for coming. Having you here with me helps.’
    ‘I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,’ she said.
    Jack West was suffering, that was clear but he tried his best
not to show it. From the moment they entered the room he was alert and focused
but linked to machines and tubes he breathed in quick wispy gasps that betrayed
him. It had been years since Simone last saw him and she was upset to see that the
disease that was consuming his body had ravaged the face that would have looked
different enough through years of natural ageing. She wondered if she would
have recognised him at all had she passed him in the street or seen him in a
    He took her by surprise by saying in his strongest whisper,
‘Hello Simone.’
    She replied, ‘Hello Jack,’ and touched his hand. His skin was
warm to the touch but felt thin as tissue paper. ‘I’m surprised you recognise
    ‘I never forget a face, even if it is a bit bruised.’
    ‘All in the line of duty I’m afraid.’
    ‘I expect you to take better care of her Nathan.’
    Simone read Nathan’s face and he seemed confused, he said, ‘I
    ‘You two make a good couple – it’s taken so long for the
pair of you to get together,’ he whispered. Simone realised Jack’s confusion at
the same time as West and they shot each other a look of mild embarrassment but
neither of them made an attempt to correct him. ‘I was beginning to think it’d
never happen but I’m glad it did.’ His milky eyes moved back and forth between
    ‘Me too Dad.’ He smiled boyishly at Simone who moved her
wedding ring out of sight so as not to break the illusion.
    Jack West seemed suddenly tired; the level of concentration
used to conduct even the shortest conversation was beginning to take its toll.
His head sunk into the pillow and he closed his eyes. They sat there in silence
listening to his soft gasps of breath and wondering if he had gone to sleep
when his eyes opened and he said, ‘Are you happy, both of you?’
    Simone nodded and West said, ‘She’s everything

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