Nightshade City

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Book: Nightshade City by Hilary Wagner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hilary Wagner
Nothing so fine had ever touched her small frame. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen,” she said. Clover turned around and looked at the bow trailing down her back. As a slight smile emerged on her face, she looked almost happy.
    “I’m so glad you’re pleased,” said Mother Gallo. “Now let’s see how we can top that!” Mother Gallo went back to her wheelbarrow and pulled out some red and pink baubles. “No, no, none of these will do; too garish,” she said. She shook her head disapprovingly and dropped the items back into the barrow.
    She set one paw on her waist and tapped her chin with the other. “Those delicate golden eyes—so unique—what should we pair themwith? You certainly don’t need much in the way of frippery. Your beauty speaks for itself.” Her eyes sparked in revelation. “I know!” She dove headfirst into her wheelbarrow, practically losing herself in it. “Here they are,” she said. Slightly out of breath, she retrieved some green stones. She polished them with the end of her sash. She repositioned Clover in front of the mirror and placed a sparkly emerald on a short silver chain around her neck. She then placed a delicate silver circlet adorned with more emeralds atop Clover’s head.
    “Ah, that’s it,” said Mother Gallo. She sighed with satisfaction. “Now, that’s loveliness in its purest form, if I do say so myself. You know I found these stones locked away in an old storeroom of the Ministry? They had been sitting there for years, covered in layers of dust and grime. It took hours to polish them back to their full brilliance. These emeralds are rumored to have belonged to none other than Nomi, the High Duchess. They are perfection on you. Nomi would be proud. This is a great honor, my dear—treasure this moment always.”
    She looked at Clover fondly, but with a slight sadness. She had known the duchess well. Mother Gallo sighed deeply. “Back to business,” she said. “Now, my dear, what do you think of our finished creation?”
    Clover regarded her reflection in the looking glass. Even she could not help but notice the change in her appearance. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the wall carving of Nomi, who seemed to be staring at her. Did the duchess approve? Did her parents approve, or were they looking down at her, shaking their heads in shame?
    Mother Gallo approached Clover and placed a soft paw on her shoulder. “What is it, my dear? What on earth could you have to be so sad about? This is a happy day for you. If Killdeer is pleased with you, your family will never go hungry again; your future children will neverlack for anything. Most Chosen Ones are elated to have the chance to unite with the High Minister.”
    Clover balked at the mirror, abruptly crumbling into unrestrained tears. Mother Gallo hugged her close. It was then she noticed the carving of Nomi on the wall. Maybe the girl had a special fondness for the duchess, and all her ridiculous talk about what an honor she’d been granted had set the poor thing off. Perhaps the grandfather caused her distress; Billycan had mentioned he was deathly ill. That would certainly warrant the tears.
    “My darling, what could be so awful?” asked Mother Gallo. “You’re young, beautiful, and have just received the honor of a lifetime—one most will never know.” She smiled sympathetically and patted Clover’s cheek. “Now, dear, tell me what is bothering you?”
    Clover whispered, scarcely audible. “I don’t want to be a Chosen One,” she mumbled.
    “What did you say? I’m afraid I didn’t quite hear you.”
    “I don’t want to be a Chosen One.” Clover’s voice grew louder, angry. “I don’t want to be with the High Minister, a rat old enough to be my father. Why did he pick me? What have I done to deserve such a revolting fate? Who have I offended?” She looked up defiantly. Regardless of the consequence her words might bring, it felt liberating to finally speak the truth.

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