WG2E All-For-Indies Anthologies: Viva La Valentine Edition

    They relocated to the dining room and enjoyed
a leisurely supper after which John pulled Mac aside and whispered,
“You two can take the blue room since it’s the biggest. I’ve
already talked to your mother, and she’s all right with it.”
    Mac turned his back toward Jan and his
mother, so they wouldn’t hear what he was saying. “Jan can take the
blue room. I’ll take my old room.”
    “Son, you don’t strike me as the kind of man
who’d marry a woman he’s never taken to bed.”
    “I didn’t say I’ve never slept with
her, Dad,” Mac responded with a sly grin.
    “Oh, I see. I think.” John’s eyes narrowed to
a confused squint.
    They rejoined the women at the dining room
table, and John reminded him, “Everyone is coming for the barbecue
tomorrow at noon. Pat and Grant said they’d be here early to help
us set up the yard.”
    Mac thought he saw Jan wince. “Who is
everyone? Or should I even ask?”
    “Don’t ask, son. You know your mother. She’s
told the entire county you were bringing your fiancée home. So
we’re prepared to feed the entire county.” He patted Jan’s hand.
“Don’t concern yourself. You’re going to have a good time.”
    The sun began its slow descent into the
western sky while they talked about life in Atlanta, Mac’s job,
Jan’s business and their plans for the next two days. Mac
eventually retrieved their luggage from the car and informed his
mother of the sleeping arrangements before he took the bags down
the hall to the bedrooms.
    “I’m going to take Jan for a walk around the
neighborhood before we turn in,” he said when he returned. “We’ll
see you in the morning.”
    Jan complimented Ruth on dinner, and Mac
whisked her out the back door.
    “Why the quick exit?’ Jan asked once they
were outside.
    “I want to spend some time alone with you.
Tomorrow is going to be like Thanksgiving Day at the Atlanta
airport around here.”
    He put his jacket around her shoulders to
shield her from the evening chill common in Texas in the fall. They
walked hand in hand enjoying the stillness of the night until she
said, “Your parents are nice. What do you think they thought of
    “Major Sinclair is in love. Couldn’t you
tell? My mother is harder to read.”
    The leisurely stroll around the block ended
with them back at the house where Mac left a slow, delicious kiss
on her lips before they went back inside.
    “I was just thinking about tomorrow. I hate
being on display, you know?”
    “It won’t be like that, baby. Don’t worry.
Get some sleep and be prepared to get up early for a huge
breakfast. My mother gets off on doing that stuff.”
    He kissed her again in the doorway to the
guestroom. His lips lingered on her cheek, and he whispered in her
ear, “Are you sure you don’t want some company tonight”
    “In your parent’s house? Are you insane?” She
pointed across the narrow hallway. “Go to bed. I’ll see you in the
    • • •
    Just as Mac had predicted, his parents were
up at the crack of dawn. Tempting aromas wafted from the kitchen
down the hallway and gently nudged Jan to consciousness. She
quickly showered and joined them in the kitchen for coffee as the
Major gave a rundown of what needed to be done before the guests
started arriving.
    “Tell me what I can do to help,” Jan
    Ruth raised her hand. “Don’t be silly. You’re
our guest. Pat and Grant should be here in a few minutes. The three
of them can help John with anything that needs to be done. Stay in
here and keep me company.”
    Just as they sat in the dining room for
breakfast, Mac’s brother and sister came through the back door.
Their love for each other was evident by the way they embraced
their big brother and welcomed him home. After he introduced them
to Jan, they filled the two empty chairs at the table and fortified
themselves for a morning of toting and lifting.
    It didn’t take Jan long to warm up to Pat.
Her friendly, outgoing

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