Watch Me (An Erotic Short Story)

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Book: Watch Me (An Erotic Short Story) by Rachelle Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachelle Vaughn
looked up from the thongs she was arranging and locked eyes with him. Ethan swallowed and his heartbeat skittered.
    “ Ethan , ” a voice behind said and he nearly jumped out of his seat.
    “Huh? ” Ethan blinked and looked over to find his friend Luke who worked at the toy store on the far end of the mall standing next to him . “ Oh, hey , Luke. What’s up?”
    “Not much. ” Luke hooked his thumbs into the front pockets of his jeans and leaned back on his heels. “ I’m ducking out early for my Gran’s birthday. Do you have any watches an 80 year old would like?”
    “Sure.” Ethan stood up and led Luke around to the other side of the kiosk to show him the ladies watches.
    For now, the bombshell in the lingerie store was forgotten.

    Chapter Two
    After a quick survey through the window and out into the mall, t he only person Lana saw was the guy working the watch kiosk directly across from her store. Yep. He was definitely the one checking her out. Or more like undressing her with his eyes. The poor guy was looking at Lana like she was a tall glass of ice water in the middle of the Sahara D esert.
    When he stood up to help a customer, Lana took the opportunity to look him over in return . He was handsome and not overly tall to where she’d have to crane her neck to talk to him. Ah, forget talking, she just wanted to rub up against him like a cat.
    His hair was nice and thick and she could easily imagine grabbing a handful of it while his head bobbed between her thighs. She like d that h e carried himself with confidence when he walked around the kiosk showing watches to his customer. He looked more yummy than those cinnamon rolls sold in the Food Court. And best of all, s he liked how he wasn’t afraid to get caught looking her way.
    Lana wanted to touch herself. Put on a show just for him, but there were too many people around.
    She twirled a strand of hair around her finger. Hmm, now that she knew she had an audience , what kind of show could she put on for him? It wasn’t like there was much he could do to tease her . All he had was a stool to sit on and a kiosk full of watches. It would be up to her to provide the entertainment.
    * * *
    Inside the lingerie store, t he woman rummaged around behind the cash register and came out with a hair clip. She twisted her long hair up and pinned it into place.
    Ethan studied the long, graceful column of her neck. Soft tendrils escaped the clip and fell around her face. She pushed a strand out of her face and he felt his blood run hot.
    Did she put her hair up like that on purpose? Because she knew it would kill him?
    “Beautiful,” a smoky voice purred from behind Ethan .
    “Yes,” he breathlessly agreed and pried his eyes away from the girl in the lingerie store window.
    A middle-aged woman stood next to him ogling a ladies dress watch. They obviously hadn’t been admiring the same thing. The woman looked from the watch to Ethan and back to the watch again.
    “ Great choice ,” he pointed out.
    “I think I might just have to have it,” she said with a wink. She gingerly picked up the watch and looked at the price tag.
    “ Y ou’re in luck ,” Ethan told her. “B ecause w e’re having a sale today. All ladies watches are ten percent off.”
    “Oh, you had me at sale , ” she purred again.
    Ethan smiled and rang up the watch for her.
    “Just so you know,” she said, leaning in close like she had a secret to tell. “I would have paid full price for it.”
    Ethan had a feeling she would have, but he admired how she ’ d see n something she wanted and went for it without hesitation.
    He looked back at the woman in the lingerie store and counted the minutes until closing time .

    Chapter Three
    This time when Lana looked in the watch salesman’s direction , he was helping a customer. A female customer. Little pangs of jealousy tingled through her body. His back was turned to Lana as h e helped the woman pick out a watch.

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