The Testing
dislocation. The light cleared, and Rachaelis found herself on the narrow ledge.
    Or, at least, almost on the narrow ledge. Her heels jutted out over the edge, and she started to fall. Rachaelis threw her arms forward, and her feet went out from beneath her. She grabbed the archway, landing hard on one knee, and pulled herself forward as the wind from the deeps howled around her. 
    She slumped against the archway, panting. 
    It was a very long way down. 
    “You have passed the eighth trial, Initiate,” came Talvin’s voice. “You may proceed to the final trial.” 
    The final trial? Rachaelis wondered what else they could throw at her.
    She paused for a moment, waiting for her head to stop spinning. Deep breaths. Her mouth felt so dry. By the Divine, she wanted something to drink. 
    One trial left in the Testing. In the next few moments she would either become an Adept, or she would die. That made things simple.
    Rachaelis heaved herself back to her feet, keeping well away from the edge, and stepped into the archway.
    When the silver light faded she found herself in another vast stone hall, similar to the one with the dead dogs. But this hall was empty. There were no dead dogs, no stone pillars, no Magisters in their red robes and black stoles. A faint silver glow came from the dais, pulsing like a heartbeat, but that was the only sign of life. 
    Rachaelis hesitated, and walked towards the silver glow. As she drew closer, she saw that the glow came from a symbol drawn in lines of silver astralfire across the dais. A man stood in the center of the symbol, gazing at the far wall. As she approached, the symbol winked out, and the man turned to face her.
    Rachaelis froze.
    “Father?” she whispered.
    Aramane Morulan stood facing her, his gray hair tangled, his beard matted and filthy. His red robes hung in tatters, and he looked half-starved.
    “Who are you?” he said, stepping closer. “Another fool who fell afoul of Arthain Kalarien, I suppose.” He stopped, horror coming over his face. “What…no, this…this cannot be? Rachaelis?” 
    Rachaelis nodded.
    Aramane’s face crumpled. “No. No. Oh, by the Divine, no. Arthain trapped you, too. I was hoping to spare you this.” 
    “I don’t understand,” said Rachaelis. “What’s happening?”
    “Arthain has kept me imprisoned here for the last twelve years,” said Aramane, despair in his eyes. “I wanted the slaves freed, I wanted the Initiates treated less brutally, and he finally had enough of me. During the battle with Paulus, he tricked me and kept me imprisoned here. For all this time. Arthain told me…he told me that he had killed you.”
    “No,” said Rachaelis, trying to think past her shock. Something was wrong here. “The Testing…I’m here for the Testing.”
    “Then Arthain must have made a mistake!” said Aramane, desperate hope in his eyes. He was only a few feet from her now. “Astraljumps can sometimes go amiss. He must have accidentally astraljumped you here. Rachaelis, listen to me. This chamber is warded. I cannot use an astraljump spell to escape. But if you lend me your power, let me into your mind, I can astraljump both of us away. Arthain will pay for his crimes, and…we can be together again.”
    Rachaelis blinked. This couldn’t be happening. And yet she wanted it to be true, wanted it more than anything. 
    But something was wrong.
    “My daughter,” said Aramane, his voice choked with emotion. “You were a little girl the last time I saw you. And now look at the woman you’ve become. Strong enough to survive the Testing. I’m so proud of you.” 
    “Father.” Rachaelis closed her eyes, opened them again. “But…this cannot be. I saw you tonight. I see you every day. You’ve been in your bed for the last twelve years, caught between life and death. How…how can you be here?” 
    “You saw a decoy,” said Aramane. “A thing created by illusion and trickery. Arthain fashioned it, to trick you. He

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