Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

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Book: Everyone Deserves a Second Chance by Alyssa Shannon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa Shannon
and me picked it out
special just for the parade. Look, she even got me a tiara and
earrings!" Lauren turned her head left and right to show off
the sparkly magnetic earrings on either earlobe.
    "You look perfect!"
Marcus kissed her on the cheek and then helped her up onto Tonka.
"Remember no funny business today. No showing off either.
Tonka will be good for you as long as you're good for him."
    "I know, I know."
She said with a smile as she took up his reins and walked him
towards the other girls who stood waiting on their horses.
    "There you two are!"
Rick walked up to them on his horse and then followed their gaze
to where the girls sat all decked up on their horses. "Don't
they look pretty!" He chuckled and stopped beside Marcus
before dismounting.
    "Hey there Greg!
Been looking for you. They do look good don't they?" Marcus
nodded towards the girls who were being lined up and numbers
pinned to their horse's bridles.
    "Connie is back
there with the wagon." He motioned behind him and off to the
right. "I tell you my boys were so excited to be bringing
both horses. They went nuts when I told them okay this morning.
I'm just glad I'm riding with the girls and not back there with
them. The girls are always easier to handle then the boys."
He chuckled. "Of course the lord had to bless me with three
of them."
    "Let me get Rusty."
Marcus said then turned to Brenda. "You sure you want to
ride in the wagon with Connie?"
    "Yeah, I'm sure. Now
go watch over my girl." She kissed him on the cheek then
called to Garrett.
    The little boy finally
pulled away from where he stood watching Lauren and followed
Brenda as they wove their way through the other parade
participants. When they found the wagon Connie looked down at
them and smiled.

"Hey Brenda! Glad you decided to keep this old gal company
again. This must be Garrett." She smiled down at the little
boy who was suddenly shy and stood a step behind her. "Well
come on up here. We'll be heading out soon." Connie put a
hand down to help Brenda up and Garrett clBrendaed up into the
wagon on his own.
    "Hi Garrett."
Brian smiled at him from where he sat at the front of the wagon
and motioned him forwards. "My name's Brian." He
pointed to the two younger boys beside him. "That's Jack and
Charlie. Don't bother trying to tell them apart." He grinned
at his twin younger brothers but they were too busy fighting for
the reins between themselves to notice.
    "Go ahead on up
there Garrett." Brenda told him giving him a gentle push in
the right direction as she settled down on a hay bale across from
Connie. It only took a second before Garrett climbed over the
edge of the wagon and took a seat next to Brian.
    "Well, I'm glad this
is almost over. I swear every year it gets more and more hectic."
Connie pulled a piece of straw from her jeans and smiled at
Brenda. "I bet Lauren was just as wound up as these three
were." The wagon gave a lurch as the boys snapped at the
reins and moved the horses into position in the parade line.
    "Probably more so.
She looks adorable in her dress. We braided Tonka's mane and tail
to match. Then I found this tiara and magnetic earrings that go
matched also. She's been so excited to go show off."
    They jerked along as the
parade started off. From time to time they glanced up at the four
boys at the head of the wagon and settled a minute dispute
between them. Otherwise they rode along pleasantly as they made
their way to the start of the parade.
    "He's a cutie."
Connie said as she listened to Brian and the twins talking to
Garrett. "Rick told me he's was the son of Marcus's friend.
Is he staying with him for a while?"
    "Yeah, so to speak.
Listen Connie, you've known Marcus since you were little—"
    "There they are."
Marcus and Rick rode up to them. Marcus tipped his cowboy hat to
the boys and winked at Brenda.
    "We just wanted to
make sure you guys were okay before we started out." Rick
said to them.
    "We're fine. If they
start anything I'll take a crop to their butts

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