Evil Intent
excuses. I’m a busy man, and you need to learn how to delegate. Why don’t you get Cynthia off her lazy ass and get her to do it. Just get it to me by 2:00. Am I making myself clear?”
    “Yes sir.”
    Donald turned and immediately headed back to his office. Because of Donald’s technology position with the company, he had access to most of the company computer systems. Once back at his desk, he signed on to the network to access the Human Resource System and queried the personnel files of Dr. Anton Andreyushkin. He then pulled a file from his lower desk draw and studied it for quite some time, before picking up the phone and dialing.
    “Good afternoon, could I please speak with someone in personnel?”
    “Certainly, one moment please.”
    “Hello, my Name is Randolph Brennan, with the Department of Intelligence, Washington, DC. We are considering one of your former employees for a position, and wondering if I may verify his employment with your company?”
    “Of course, sir. Did you say your name was Brennan?”
    “Yes, that is correct, Randolph Brennan.”
    “And, could I please have the name of the applicant, Mr. Brennan?”
    “It’s Doctor Anton, Andreyushkin. Allow me to spell that for you,” Donald said, proceeding to spell out the name for the woman.
    “I don’t see anyone by that name sir.”
    “Would it help if I gave you his social security number?”
    “Yes, that could help,” the woman said as Donald proceeded to read her the number. “Ah, here it is. Wow, it’s been quite some time ago Mr. Brennan, I show that Mr. Andreyushkin only worked here from Aug 2006 to Dec 2006.”
    “Did you say from August 2006? Four months?”
    “Yes, that’s correct.”
    “That’s odd, I show that he was employed from December 2001 to December 2006 and that he worked in some kind of security position.”
    “It says here he was hired in our Information Architecture Department.”
    “I’m not familiar with that department.”
    “Well, it’s sort of security. It deals with all the system security for our medical devices.”
    “Oh, I see. By any chance can you see where he worked before he came to you folks?”
    “I’m afraid not. The screen I’m viewing doesn’t indicate any additional information other than the direct employment and dates. Oh wait a minute. I could check the background report for you. That would show the former employer.”
    “The...what kind of report?”
    “Our company requires background checks, and that report would indicate the former employer. Hold on for one minute while I bring up the report.”
    Donald patiently waited until the woman came back on the line.
    “Oh dear, Mr. Brennan. This is strange. He was involuntarily terminated December 2001 because we could not obtain a background check.”
    “Oh, I see. So you can’t tell where he came from?”
    “Yes, I can see that. He was from out of the country. He came here in July 2006 from Moscow.”
    “Moscow? Like Russia?”
    “Yes sir, the Soviet Union. It says he worked for intelligence at the KGB. But, no one ever responded to our inquiry. We even asked Dr. Andreyushkin for a contact name which he gave us, but no reply was received from that gentleman either. We had no choice but to retract the offer of employment. He was terminated December 14, 2001.”
    “Do you happen to have that contact name and address?”
    The woman shared the information, then they ended the call.
    Donald had taken notes during the call and needed to spend a few minutes cleaning up his notes. When he finished he placed the paper in the file he had removed from his desk. He placed it in his attaché case, then picked up the phone again. This time he called Eric, a fellow employee of the company.
    “Eric, its Gingrich. Do you know anything about what Dr. Andreyushkin did a John Hopkins?”
    “Not a clue, and don’t give a shit either, regardless of what he did or didn’t do there.”
    “Ok, why don’t you tell me how you really

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