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Book: Surrendering by Ahren Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ahren Sanders
Tags: Romance, Adult, Contemporary Romance, Musicians
sisters standing here? Are you fucking crazy?” Declan glowers at her.
    She steps back slightly embarrassed and then her eyes land on me.
    “Who are you?”
    I decide to be the bigger person here, “I’m Ravenel. I’m a friend of Abbi, Ella, and Declan.”
    She’s bitter. “I’ve never seen you before. How do you know Declan?”
    I’m not about to get into a bitch-slap-down with this skank so I politely decline to answer. Instead, I look back at the girls. “Y’all want to head back to the table? We’ve got people waiting on us.”
    Both of them nod and start to walk away. I wave to the band and turn to leave. There are a few whistles behind me and I slightly smile to myself. I’m almost out the door when Declan tells Sami to get the hell off him again. Then I hear ‘ Sparkle’ , but I keep walking.
    When we get back to the table, I notice that a few other guys I didn’t know had joined our friends, but Finn had saved my seat next to him. After our drinks are delivered, Finn and I go play pool in the back of the bar. Jimi and Tripp join us and before I know it, we’re in an intense competition. Finn and I are leading by one game, but I know Jimi is about to go double or nothing. The winning pot is only about fifteen dollars, but it’s the bragging rights he wants. Our drinks are flowing and after the fourth game, we’ve moved to shots. I’m feeling awesome.
    All of the lights suddenly dim and Sayge hits the stage. I see Declan first and he’s looking around. His eyes find mine in the crowd and it looks like he’s trying to say something. I’m not sure, but I think he mouths I’m Sorry to me. I shrug and go back to my game. I’m not really mad at him, but it wasn’t the reception I was hoping for when he invited me tonight. I decide not to dwell on it and instead get drunk and enjoy the night.
    Sayge is awesome. After Finn and I beat Jimi and Tripp, we go back to our group and proceed to party. At last call, we pay our bill and get ready to go home. As we all pile out to our cars, I see Jimi kiss Abbi on the cheek. We all hug goodnight and Finn promises to call tomorrow. I never saw Declan after the show. I guess Sami had something for him after all.


Chapter 10

Give Me a Chance
    Three weeks have gone by since the night at The Steamroom. I haven’t seen or heard from Declan at all. I’ve fallen into a routine with school and I’ve been so busy that I only think about him at night when I lay down. It’s silly, really. We shared a few kisses and a promise to get to know each other. He wasn’t my boyfriend or even my friend, but I still ache for him. The girls haven’t mentioned him, but I know they talk to him often. They invited me to go back to The Steamroom for a Sayge show tonight, but I declined. They know I don’t have class tomorrow, but they nodded as if they understood.
    Instead of staying in the house and sulking, I went out with Finn and Gabe. We found a little hole in the wall on Broadway and I danced until I was drenched in sweat.
    Now it’s almost 2:30 in the morning and the guys are dropping me off at home. I’m going straight to the shower and then bed.
    As I walk through the house, I don’t expect Declan to be in the kitchen drinking a beer. I try to act unaffected by him, so I grab a bottle of water and turn towards my room. I wave to him and retreat.
    When I get to the edge of the kitchen, he says, “Sparkle, please talk to me.”
    “Okay, what do you want me to say?”
    “You could start with telling me why you look like you’ve been hit with a water hose?”
    “I went dancing with Finn and Gabe. I’m headed to the shower now. Do you have your key, or do you want me to lock up after you?”
    “I have my key; I let myself in once I knew the girls went to bed. I talked to Abbi and she said you were out.”
    “So if they’re asleep, why did you come by?”
    “To talk to you. Why didn’t you come to The Steamroom tonight?”
    “I had plans with the guys and I

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