Make the Ghost of It (Witch Woods Funeral Home Book 3): (Ghost Cozy Mystery series)

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Book: Make the Ghost of It (Witch Woods Funeral Home Book 3): (Ghost Cozy Mystery series) by Morgana Best Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgana Best
said, looking somewhat embarrassed. “It turns out that Lewis was a millionaire.”
    I took a while to process the information. “Did you know he was a millionaire?”
    Basil shrugged. “He was always splashing his money around. I don’t think he ever said he was a millionaire, though. He just said that his parents were very wealthy. Anyway where is he?”
    “Actually, I haven’t seen him since the morning of the memorial service,” I admitted. “Next time Ernie shows up, I’ll ask him to go and find Lewis.”
    Basil looked grim. “Anyway, I’m telling you all this out of chronological order. The police took me down to the station to question me—the detectives, that is—and then they escorted me to the reading of the will.”
    “So Violet was right? There’s already been the will reading? I didn’t think it would be so soon.”
    Basil nodded. “All the beneficiaries were there, and as the memorial service was being held in town, apparently Lewis’s lawyer decided to hold the will reading there.”
    “Is that usual?” I asked him.
    “No idea.” Basil finished his coffee before continuing. “Norbert and Violet looked absolutely furious. They were livid with rage. If the police hadn’t been there, there would have been some yelling at the very least. They looked like they wanted to murder me on the spot.”
    “You’re kidding!”
    Basil shook his head. “Norbert and Violet were protesting throughout the will reading, and as soon as it was over, the detectives hurried me out of there and back to the station for more questioning. So, you can see that I do have a motive. I was the major beneficiary of the will, and I went skydiving with him. I had access to his parachute. It’s an open and shut case.”
    I thought for a moment. “No, if it was an open and shut case, they would have already arrested you.”
    “I hope you’re right. That’s what my lawyer says, too. They didn’t find any riser threads on any of my clothes, and the Touch DNA samples didn’t come back with any of my DNA. They took all the scissors from my house, but they didn’t find any risers threads on those either.”
    “What! They searched your house?”
    “Yes, they had a warrant.”
    “This is all too much.” I shook my head, frustrated. “But doesn’t that mean they figured out that you didn’t do it?”
    “No, sad to say, it just means that they think I wore gloves. But the good news is that although it doesn’t prove I didn’t do it, it doesn’t prove that I did do it, either.”
    I rubbed the back of my neck. “What happens now?”
    Basil frowned. “There’s nothing we can do. The police will make of the evidence what they will, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
    “But there is something we can do about it,” I said. “We can find out who the murderer is, and somehow get that evidence to the police. Ernie, Lewis, are you there?”
    “Hello?” a loud voice rang out.
    Basil and I exchanged glances, and then I realized that the voice belonged to a human being, a live human being. “Oh, I forgot. It’s the plumber!”
    I hurried to the door and let the plumber in. Basil had followed me out. I turned to him. “I’ll just go and show Tom to the bathroom.”
    “I’d better be going,” Basil said. “When I got back last night, I fell asleep on the sofa. I need a shave and to get cleaned up, and then I need to speak to my lawyer.”
    Tom looked Basil up and down. “It must be awful being a murder suspect. I heard you got home in the middle of the night.”
    “How did you know?” I asked him.
    Tom laughed. “Everyone knows everyone else’s business in this town.”
    I had to agree that he was right. “Basil, would you like to come back for lunch?”
    Basil said that would be lovely, and I noticed a glint in Tom’s eyes. No doubt that too would soon be all over town. On a brighter note, the plumbing news wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I feared.
    “I’ll have it up and running in no

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