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Book: Ravaged by Jaide Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaide Fox
Tags: erotic bdsm futuristic romance
was looking for, he began to physically touch them, turning them around to examine them from every angle. When he reached Maura, he was rough, grabbing her around the waist to pull her around. The size of his hands in comparison to her body seemed immense.
    He stopped in his progress. On her.
    Maura felt her heart clench painfully in her chest, making her feel like she might hyperventilate or faint . Her breathing became erratic as he cupped her ass, then turned her so he could cup her breasts. She jolted at the touch, stunned at his boldness. He grunted in approval.
    “This one!” he announced for all to hear , sealing her fate with the simple phrase.
    Again, the crowd around them cheered wildly. The roar of approval nearly drowned out her thoughts, making her ears ring and hum.
    Maura’s world spun out of control. She felt dizzy, breathless as rough, calloused fingers tipped her face up to look him in the eyes.
    She squinted them shut, hoping to blot out the sight of his face for just a few moments more and pretend this wasn’t really happening .
    “Look at me, woman. What is your name?” he commanded , barely audible above the din . His voice was a deep baritone that rumbled in his chest.
    Maura swallowed the lump in her throat, slowly opening her eyes to gaze at the man she would now call master. Her gaze met his chest first. She hadn’t realized how much taller he was up close, as scared as she’d been. Slowly, she drew her eyes up that broad expanse, past his etched collarbone and the cording muscles of his neck.
    His jaw was stubbly with black hair and squared with his jaw. There was an almost belligerent jut to his chin despite the cleft marking the center of it. His lips were thin with no softness to curve them. His cheekbones were high and angular and his nose was straight and aquiline.
    When she finally drew her gaze up and met his eyes , she found him looking down at her . He was remarkably attractive in a brutal sort of way.
    “M..Maura Nephrite,” she stammered.
    He nodded, looking satisfied.
    “The second winner may come select his prize,” the master of the games announced.
    Maura was forced to stand beside her new master while the other women were given to the warriors as prizes. When all had been selected, leaving only the losers on the field, the games were dismissed and they were to be taken to their new homes.
    He caught her by the manacles on her wrists, leading her away down the stairs and through the coliseum. The gladiator’s rooms were a part of the immense building.
    Maura’s legs felt heavy with trepidation. She tried to walk as slowly as she could, but he tugged on her, urging her at a faster pace than she would have liked. She knew there would be no denying what would happen between them, but she’d hoped for a little more time to get used to the idea before she actually had to perform.
    She only hoped he wasn’t a complete monster as she feared.
    He punched a keypad and opened the door to his suite, dragging her inside and closing and locking the door. He freed her hands and pointed to the bed.
    “Take off your wet clothes and get on the bed,” he said.
    Maura rubbed her wrists, looking between him and the bed. “Right now? I don’t even know your name.”
    He stripped the belt off the loincloth he wore and dropped it to the floor. “Raker Anilan. Take off your clothes and get in the bed. I’ ve waited long enough to claim my prize. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
    Inside, her mind reeled. She began to shake, and she didn’t think it was from the conditioned air blowing on her still wet skin and hair , thought that didn’t help . She tried to think of some way to put him off, but for the life of her, she could think of nothing. With trembling hands, she grabbed the hem of her shift and peeled it with difficulty up her legs .
    She didn’t move fast enough for him. He stepped close and ripped the garment off her body , leaving her naked before the rake of his eyes .

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