Elly & Kent - The Complete Story: Includes Books 1-3
was her problem?
    "Don't try to figure out what's wrong with you? I'm just trying to have a nice birthday, Elly. I'd like you to be a part of it but not like this."
    She looked at me, determination and hurt in her eyes, staring at me, punching me in the gut.
    "I'm sorry that I've ruined all your birthdays because I can't bake a cake and never had extra money laying around to buy one. And I'm sorry that our evening was going to suck. But I'm glad that it's not anymore because Jen is here to save it."
    Oh. So she was jealous of Jen. Because I was giving attention to Jen? Probably I'd spoken too soon about the wingman thing.
    "Elly, come on. I didn't mean it like that. And what was I going to do? Tell her to go away?"
    Her eyes were on mine, searching and finally she looked away and shook her head. "No, you wouldn't do that. I'm sorry. I'll try to be in a better mood. Go ahead and start on the cake, I'll be right back."
    I watched her leave the kitchen without acknowledgement from me and rolled my eyes. She always had a bit of a flair for the dramatic. Jen and I were becoming friends and Elly needed to get used to that because I didn't see it going away anytime soon. At least I hoped it wouldn't.  
    I took the plates into the dining room just as Jen was grabbing her purse. Her eyes met mine and my gut clenched tightly.  
    "Where are you going?"
    "I didn't mean to ruin your birthday thing. I'm sorry."
    I set the plates down quickly and wrapped an arm around her and quickly took my arm away once I realized I was still sopping wet. "No, you didn't. Don't worry about Elly. She'll be fine."
    Jen looked over her shoulder towards the bathroom, "Are you sure?"
    I shook her gently until she looked back at me. "I'm sure."
    She smiled and set her purse back down, "Alright, if you're sure."
    "I definitely am."
    "Then blow out the candles and make a wish, they're almost all the way melted."
    I bent over and blew out the candles in one easy breath and then stood back up and smiled at her. Make a wish. I wished for Jen to want something more. I wanted something more. I wanted to kiss her and touch her. Even if it was in secret. I knew she was the kind of girl who would be worth that.
    "Make your wish?" She asked, eyebrow raised with grinning lips.
    I nodded once. "Yeah."  
    "So are you going to ask me or are you going to make me ask you?"  
    I pushed my glasses up my nose after I'd stared at our shoes for a moment. Was she talking about what I think she was talking about? What if she was talking about helping her with Trig homework or taking her to a football game or something? I was eighteen now. Do or die.
    "Will you go on a date with me tomorrow night?"
    I'd never seen her smile so big as she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. She squealed lightly, "Yes!" And then she pulled back and stared up into my eyes. Hers were so blue, I wanted to swim in them. And I forgot about everything.
    "Kent, I have to go. I'm not feeling so well and I'm all wet." Elly's voice cut through our moment and out of instinct, as if I were doing something terribly wrong or taboo, I pushed Jen away from me and rubbed the back of my neck with my hand. My cheeks were on fire, I knew it.  
    "Um. Okay. Let me give you a ride home?"
    "No, that's okay you are busy and stuff. I'll just walk."
    "No. You're not feeling well, and it's raining, I'll take you home. It's my birthday and what I say goes."
    She at least had the decency to look humbled. "Alright."
    I looked at Jen and then Elly and then back at Jen. What was I going to do with Jen?
    "Do you want to come along or wait here?"
    "I'll just wait here." She smiled and my heart skipped a few beats. I couldn't wait to get back and see what was going to happen between us. I grabbed my keys and then headed for the front door, opening it so Elly could go through first.  
    "Alright. I'll be right back."
    Once we were in my car I turned to Elly, we were both shivering from the cold. "Are you going to

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