Bad Boy of Wall Street: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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Book: Bad Boy of Wall Street: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance by Samantha Westlake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Westlake
shithole?" he asked, grinning as he stepped into the office.
    Cartmann had been on the phone, hoping to get some dirt on a biotech company that was about to receive results on its Phase Three trials, but he reached out and hung up the call without saying goodbye. The idiots over at the FDA weren't going to reveal anything to him, it seemed, so that fishing expedition had been in vain. He now focused all of his annoyance at being interrupted on this bozo in front of him.
    "Yeah, I'm the head of this place, shitbird," he snapped back, pulling his shoes down off of his desk and rising up to his feet. "And who the fuck are you?"
    At least, Cartmann meant to rise up to his feet. He didn't make it more than a couple of inches up from his seat, however, before Hook's thick arm reached across the desk to push him back down heavily into the chair.
    "I'm the guy sent by the guys whose money you lost," Hook answered. He frowned for a moment, replaying this sentence in his head, but it seemed to make sense, so he stuck with it. "And Chad? Buddy? They're not happy."
    For a second, the words didn't click in Cartmann's head, but then, just as he'd started to open his mouth, he made the connection. Hook smiled as he saw the head trader's face lose color, turning a rather ugly gray color as the blood drained from his cheeks.
    "Look, I don't know what this is about, but I'm sure that I can make things better-" he began, but Hook just tightened his grip on the man's shoulder. Cartmann's words cut off with a wince of pain.
    "Sure, you can make it up to us," Hook said, after he was sure that the expensively clad trader was paying attention. "Give us our goddamn money. How's that for a start?"
    "But you still have access to all your money-"
    Hook sighed. The idiot was going to try and lie to him. Right to his goddamn face. He'd almost admire the balls on the trader, if he wasn't such a fucking idiot.
    "Not the insider trading, dumbass," he said, shaking his head. He let go of Cartmann's shoulder, slipping his hand down into the pocket of his suit pants and feeling for that little paper packet tucked into his wallet. "I'm talking about the fact that you've been skimming money off the top of our accounts, for a while now."
    Cartmann just gaped back at him, his mouth hanging slightly open. Hook tightened his fingers on the packet and pulled it out. Well aware that Cartmann's eyes were still on him, he casually reached into the packet and withdrew one of the fish hooks. He turned it back and forth in his thick fingers, inspecting the glint of the razor sharp point and making sure that the barb was intact.
    When he turned back to Cartmann, he saw the trader swallow, his eyes locked on the fish hook in the big man's fingers. Hook grinned, running his eyes over his victim, trying to select a target point.
    "Okay, okay, okay!" Cartmann's voice sounded breathy with barely contained panic. "Look, it's all the same thing, right? It's the same guy, guilty of both activities! Rob Hendricks is who you want!"
    Hook hesitated. "I'm listening," he said finally. "Go on, tell me more."
    Cartmann immediately babbled on, revealing more and more, his eyes remaining locked on that fish hook glinting in Hook's fingers. He talked and talked, until Hook finally held up his hand, signaling that he'd heard enough. The trader's mouth snapped shut like a mousetrap.
    "So you're telling me that this dumbass has my bosses' money, and he's hiding out in the Hamptons?" Hook summarized. He'd never visited the Hamptons before, but he'd heard that they were filthy with rich people. If this dumbass trader had ripped off his bosses for millions, the Hamptons seemed like the perfect place for him to hide, in amid all the other rich people. Why slum it with broke losers if you were sitting on stolen millions?
    Cartmann nodded, his bobbing head making him look like a puppet. "Yes, that's it exactly! I don't know where he is, but-"
    "I'll find him," Hook said. He looked down at the trader,

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