Forest & Kingdom Balance

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Book: Forest & Kingdom Balance by Robert Reed Paul Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Reed Paul Thomas
Tags: adventure, Fantasy, castle, Princess, immortal being, Kingdom
its imaginary scabbard with a
visible exhale while shaking her head in self-judgment.
    John’s flame burned bright as he watched her. Her
physical beauty was striking, but that could be seen by anyone.
John however was one of very few that could also see the radiant,
untapped power she held within. He was overcome with a sense of
loss as he watched her flame diminish with self-criticism and
doubt. He also found that being near her had intensified his own
guilt in the tragedy of that day seven years ago.
    Pain washed over him, the mistake he had made was as
fresh in his mind as the day it happened, and as fresh as it had
been every day since. It was the first time he had ever seen her
and he allowed himself be enchanted by her beauty, both body and
flame. His duty was to protect, not to indulge in adolescent
fantasy. He had failed.
    By force of will he calmed his thoughts and allowed
the pain to fade as the Caretaker had taught him. His calm demeanor
never wavered, no one other than the Caretaker and Catherine were
aware of his struggle and he would keep it that way. He silently
renewed his vow to restore some of the damage that he had wrought
in full knowledge that the pain and guilt would return to haunt his
nights and drive his actions.
    John took a bite of the apple as his focus turned to
Dionara’s education. “Beginnings are a delicate
time.” He thought. “As you know Dionara, your people came
from the coast some four hundred years ago to found the mountain
kingdom as an oasis from a world in constant conflict.” He paused
to choose his words carefully, “Over the years, the reasons and
details of your kingdom’s birth have been allowed to fade from
memory. This was a conscious choice made as a gift of peace to your
subjects by the Kingdom’s councilors, the royal family, and the
    He looked into Dionara’s flame to judge her mood,
she was hesitant but willing to listen and find her answers. “It
became custom that as members of the royal family reached the age
of twenty-one, they were brought to the Forest for a deeper
understanding of the Kingdom, the Forest, and their roll in the
Kingdom’s security. Your father was brought here on his
twenty-first birthday and was met by a Sentinel like myself,
someone born with the special abilities needed to help the
Caretaker protect us. First visits of the past have always been a
time of wondrous discovery for the royal, and of celebration in the
Forest. Unfortunately Dionara, you have come of age at a time of
great peril and eminent danger for us all.”
    “Danger?” Dionara felt immediate concern, “What
danger? My councilors have said nothing about a threat. If you have
knowledge of such a threat I need to know it now and must return to
the castle at once.” Dionara’s holiday demeanor left her as she
began to rise and look about for Foil.
    “There’s no need to go my Lady, your councilors are
fully aware of the danger and know that you are here. Everything
that can be done is already in preparation. The most important of
which is that you need to learn of your heritage and understand the
full truth of the outside world.” John invited her to retake her
    Frustrated, Dionara sat once more. Her playful mood
replaced by concern. “Continue, and please, it’s Dionara, not ‘my
Lady.’” She tried for a soft tone in her voice but was only
partially successful.
    “I’m sorry Dionara that your day of discovery must
also be one of awakening to danger, but these are the times we were
born to.” John’s voice held the softness and compassion that
Dionara had hoped she could project.
    She looked into his eyes and felt something stir
within her, a feeling that she had never experienced before. It was
a feeling of power, but also warmth and somehow love. She began to
question who she was, and then put aside the thought. “You were
telling me of the danger to my kingdom, what type of danger is
    “For you to truly understand the

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