Xandrian Stone 4: The Academy Part 3

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Book: Xandrian Stone 4: The Academy Part 3 by Christian Alex Breitenstein Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christian Alex Breitenstein
Tags: Science-Fiction
the supervision of experienced officers. Make no mistake, this round-trip is not a pleasure cruise. You are being given the opportunity to learn and make contacts, to facilitate your search for a crew later on and to facilitate the advanced training."
    "Also, this is the last day for those of you who have not been able to get one star for their rank insignia. Know that the Navy does not look down on you, nor will we just let you hang in mid-air. Yes, you will go home, but you will remain in reserve duty. When something gets available near you you will get contacted to see if you wish to work for the Navy in a non-magical function. Until such time and even if you decline that offer you will be, as reservists, on quarter-pay for your initial term of service."
    There was an audible sigh going through the ranks. That quarter-pay thing surely was a great relief for those who'd be leaving. That would make the transition back into a civilian life a lot easier. Then someone lost his self-control: "Thank you Navy!"
    Some cheering followed, until the Drill-Lieutenant said out loudly (he did not scream): "Cadets."
    The cheering immediately died down, most of the concerns of those who'd be leaving alleviated. The Admiral looked about again. "Cadets, the best 60 will have a private message of me on their quarter's monitor, as do those who will leave and everyone else. Those messages will explain what is planned for you over the course of the next few days. Dismissed."
    Everyone relaxed, there was congratulating, cheering, joking - everything one would expect from a bunch of cadets who have been given good news.

    When I reached my quarters, it was not really a surprise to see that the letter from the Admiral was headed "Congratulations, Prime Cadet Xandrian Stone."
    I sat on my cot and read the letter:
    Congratulations, Prime Cadet Xandrian Stone.
    You are one of the best sixty cadets in the 498 academy 4 on Eden 6-1. You have been assigned to an Omni-Control-Rod on the bridge of the Brick on Landing Pad 2, under Captain Sandra Oriakova.
    The duty of an Omni-Wizard on board of a Brick is to stand ready and support the Brick's crew wherever that may be needed.
    Being an Omni-Wizard and Prime Cadet you will henceforth be trained for command. That means first and foremost that you must know the different stations aboard a Brick. At the captain's discretion you will perform the tasks of the different stations of the Brick at the Omni-Control-Rod. The experienced officers in their color's stations will observe and correct if needed, providing feedback at the end of each task.
    Your duty on board will begin today, 13:00. Prepare, have a light supper and report there on time.
    Signed, Admiral Peter Sand
    The rest of the morning I spent cleaning my uniforms and myself, writing another letter home and generally relaxing.
    After a light supper I stood ready in a group of excited cadets at the back airlock of the Brick on Landing Pad 2. Back then, we did not name the Bricks yet - there was no need to distinguish specific Bricks from the others.
    At 13:00, a weapon appeared in the airlock. "Cadets, the captain wants you to gather in the game room. Prime Cadet Stone, according to your file you have already served on board of a Brick. Lead your fellow cadets there." He turned around and disappeared.
    "Um, okay. Follow me, then." I entered the Brick and turned left in the corridor. Looking back, I saw that the others were filing into the Brick as well and following me. Cool, I could get used to this. So I kept walking, turned right following the bend of the corridor which was a ring all around the Brick. We passed the open training area, kept walking straight into the corridor passing by the shared quarters. Turning right at the next bend (as it only went right there was not really any other option) I led us into the second door to the right.
    We ended up in

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