Raid and the Blackest Sheep

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Book: Raid and the Blackest Sheep by Harri Nykänen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harri Nykänen
         “Like what?”
         “Move to the country and raise chickens. Or to an
    island in the Gulf of Finland and fish for a living… Fix up old cars…”
         Anna laughed.
         “Good choices. But you’ve got thirty years of work that you enjoy under your belt. That’s nothing to sneeze at.”
         “What about you?”
         “I’d have been a pediatrician or an architect… I guess I wasted a lot of time when I should have been soul-searching.”
         “You have a fine profession.”
         Anna looked almost bashful when she asked, “And your wife? Would she move to the country with you?”
         “You must be happy together.”
         “I have a good wife.”
         “And she certainly has nothing to complain about.”
         “Well, I’m old, tired and bored.”
         “I wouldn’t say so. Sympathetic and safe, with a good sense of humor. You wouldn’t believe how much women appreciate those things.”
         “That so?”
         “You bet. And fifty-four’s not so old, at least not for a man. I’m forty-two myself.”
         “Now that I don’t believe,” said Jansson.
         Anna smiled at his politeness. She took his hand and held it between hers.
         “Will you at least come for lunch?”
         “I guess so,” he shrugged.
         She rose, but hesitated before leaving.
         “You’re a good listener… It’d be nice to talk more sometime… Just the two of us.”
         Anna left, leaving only the scent of her perfume in the room and a restless feeling in Jansson’s chest. Was it really just a chat she wanted, or was that a sign that she wanted more?
         Over the course of three days, Jansson had noticed that many couples had formed among the men and women at the rehab center. He also knew that some of them had arranged to meet again.
         Jansson had been faithful for all thirty-two years of his marriage. As far as he was concerned, his wife hadn’t shown adequate appreciation for his faithfulness. Unlike the other women Jansson knew, his wife was nearly devoid of jealousy, so devoid that it sometimes troubled him. Did she think he was unable to attract other women?
         Unable to sit still any longer, he stepped into the shower. On his way downstairs, Officer Susisaari called to tell him about Lieutenant Kempas’ request.
         “I just chatted with him yesterday.”
         “He wants all the files on Raid. Didn’t you have a whole binder on him?” she asked.
         “Go ahead and send it. It’s filed in the archives.”
         “You know…Kempas is a good detective and all, but I don’t like his style.”
         “Neither do I. Try to put up with it.”
         “How’s Huusko managing?”
         “Huusko manages no matter what.”
         “Are we talking about the same guy? Detective Hannu Huusko?”
         “One and the same.”
         “Tell him I said hi. You guys are missed over here, even him.”
         The lounge in the lobby was nearly empty and the veterans’ table was deserted. Jansson grabbed the day’s edition of the Helsingin Sanomat and started to leaf through it. From the lobby, he could see the cafeteria where they were preparing for lunch. The staff was setting piles of food and plates onto the buffet.
         A group of women in white terry cloth robes with towels wrapped around their heads was coming from the direction of the swimming pool. Huusko was lagging behind a bit, his arm around a woman in a bikini who was laughing at his banter.
         “See you tonight,” said Huusko as he cut off in Jansson’s direction.
         “What’s going on tonight?” asked Jansson.
         “A dance. Nice to finally see you among the living again. I was afraid I’d have to break down the door.”
         Jansson marveled at Huusko’s carefree manner.

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