The Cherry Blossoms

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Book: The Cherry Blossoms by Denise Irwin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Denise Irwin
français ?”
    Daniella giggled, “Assez pour commander un verre de vin et de se demander où est la salle de bain.”  She took her glass of wine from Grant, “I think Gaspard just asked if I speak French.  I told him I knew enough to ask for a glass of wine and where the restroom is.  Please ask him if I got it right.”
    “Gaspard, Daniella dit qu'elle vous a dit qu'elle connaissait suffisamment français pour demander un verre de vin et où est la salle de bain.  Elle veut savoir si elle il correctement.”
    Gaspard nodded that she had, and told Grant, “Dire que j'apprécie sa compagnie à Daniella.”
    Daniella asked Grant what Gaspard said.  “He told me he is enjoying your company.”
    She giggled, “Tell him, I’m enjoying his as well.”
    “Gaspard, Daniella dit de vous dire qu'elle connaît votre entreprise ainsi.”
    Daniella was amazed that Grant knew so many of the patrons in the café, a number of whom stopped by their table to greet him.  The horrible tragedy of her day drifted out the café door like the table candle’s smoke.  She was having a wonderful time.  Grant introduced her to everyone in the café as his friend, not his boss.  There were a few in the café who spoke a bit of English, but for the most part, Grant looked as though he were watching a tennis match.  He would turn his head toward her to translate what someone said, then back to the speaker to translate her answer.
    The time passed too quickly and she’d had too much wine.  She told Grant, “I cannot drink another glass of wine.  It’s time for me to go home.  Can you drive me back to the arena where my car is parked?”
    “No Daniella, I cannot.  Gaspard and I will drive you home.”
    She giggled, “That’s probably a wise decision.”
    Grant told Gaspard, “Daniella a eu trop de vin.  Je lui ai dit que nous conduirait à son domicile.”
    Gaspard responded, “Je suis prêt à quitter ainsi.”
    “J'obtenir la voiture et mettre à la porte. Pouvez-vous escorter Daniella à la voiture ?  Je crois qu'elle pourrait utiliser un peu d'aide.”
    “Il serait mon plaisir Grant.”
    “Daniella, I am going to get the car.  Gaspard will bring you out to the car.  I will only be a minute.”
    She nodded at Grant, “Merci beaucoup.”
    Grant escorted Daniella up the three flights to her apartment while Gaspard waited in the car.
    “Grant , I had the most wonderful time this evening.  Thank you and please thank Gaspard for me.  I don’t plan to come to work in the morning, so please let everyone know they may take the day off with pay.”
    “Daniella, I don’t understand.  Why would you not come to work?”
    “I’m going to take the day to tend to my hangover and rethink what we did wrong.”
    “Daniella, you did nothing wrong, but I will tell the staff to take the day off to rest after working so hard.”  Grant kissed her on her forehead and told her before he left, “Sleep well.”
    The answering machine indicated there were four messages waiting for her.  She stood looking at the red flashing 4, trying to decide whether to play them now or wait until morning.  She hit the play button; waiting until morning wouldn’t change what those messages said.  All four messages were from Michal, asking her to call him.  Daniella deleted them and went to bed.

Chapter Three
    Paris, France
    Daniella woke the next morning to a throbbing pain in her head.  When she grabbed her head with both hands, her head felt as though her brain had undergone a brain quake.  She felt her gray matter fall into the crevice the quake had created.  The ensuing dust collected in her throat, so she tried to cough to release it from its captivity.
    Without sitting up, she grabbed the nightstand clock.  Through her blurred vision, she saw it was telling her that it was just noon.  If she didn’t force herself to get out of bed, she would miss the morning papers.  Daniella stumbled into the bathroom.  When

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