for a split second, she feared for Gretchen's life. Gently, she pushed herself out of his grasp and looked up into his handsome face. "I will go."
    "No," he ground out. He snapped his gaze to Gretchen. "Guards!" Within a split second, Nolan and Falk entered the Great Hall. "Escort Gretchen off the grounds and never let her past the castle doors again. Is that clear?" he asked in a dangerously soft tone.
    "Aye, Your Highness."
    "Don't touch me," Gretchen spat at the guards. "I will go, just remember I warned you, Drago," she added, tossing him a hateful glare.
    "I'm sorry," he told her once they were alone again.
    Eve stepped away from him, hardening herself against the flash of regret she saw in his eyes. "She's right. Your whole kingdom is in jeopardy because of Katya."
    "I will protect you both," he said thickly.
    "No. I lo--I care about you too much to see you get hurt. Katya and I must leave." Grim-faced he reached for her and she sprung back with her vampire speed.
    She heard trumpets blaring all around the castle and Eve frowned. "What is that?"
    Drago clenched his jaw. "My son, Vasilis, has returned with Alexandra. I must go and see him, but I will come to you later. We must talk. Tonight."
    "There's nothing left for us to say."
    "I will be in my chambers in a couple of hours. If you're not there, I will come looking for you," he said firmly as he turned and walked to the door. "And I will find you." Their gazes locked briefly before he left.

    Chapter Eleven
    She was not in his chambers in two hours. She was in hers. And when he opened the door and strode in, she was not surprised. She knew he would come looking for her.
    "Drago, we can never be together," she said without preamble.
    His mouth tensed as an intense heat lit his dark gaze. "If you are worried about Gretchen, don't. I ended things with her and what you saw earlier was Gretchen kissing me, not the other way around." His face darkened with desire. "I cannot fight what I feel. I want you to be with me. Stay with me."
    "Until you meet your one? No, I cannot."
    "So that is what is keeping you from me. That damned legend."
    "Yes," she whispered.
    "Eve, I cannot explain this bind I have with you, nor can I predict the future, but what I can do is tell you I have never felt like this for a woman in my life, not even for the late queen." He ran a shaky rough hand through his hair. "The legend is true. There is one mate for every Lycan, but the legend does not apply to me."
    Eve frowned.
    "I've always felt…alone. My people, my land and my kingdom are my priority. They depend on me for food, shelter, protection. When my own father died and I inherited his crown, I swore I would take care of this land and make him proud. I married the queen to bear an heir and I love my son deeply, but I've always feared the legend would tear me away from my royal duties."
    "I don't understand."
    His face turned grim. "I am like you. I don't believe in fairy tales. Not for me, in any case. I am happy for my son, but what happened to him will not happen to me. There is no Lycan Legend for me. I believe in the now and how I can keep my kingdom safe. I can't believe in ones and happily ever afters. Too many lives depend on me." He inhaled slowly and released a heavy breath. "You are ideal for me. You are brave, courageous, kind. You are strong and honourable."
    "What are you saying?"
    "Be my wife. Rule by my side. You are a warrior at heart with a strong, courageous spirit. Together, we can protect this kingdom and make it prosper. You have power, beauty, bravery, all befitting qualities for a queen."
    Eve didn't know what to say. She was stunned. She could never marry him and once he knew the truth about her, she doubted he'd want her.
    "I'm sorry, Drago. I cannot be your queen."
    His jaw tightened. "You don't have to answer me now. Let me show you how right it could be between us." He took her by the shoulders and drew her in his arms, his dark gaze dipping to her mouth. "Eve, I

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