With Autumn's Return (Westward Winds Book #3): A Novel
until Christmas, so this is her revenge. She’s flirting with Jason to get her way.”
    Perhaps she had led a sheltered life, but Elizabeth had never encountered so brazen a woman. It was bad enough that Tabitha was trying to manipulate her husband, but openly flirting with another man when she was married—that was beyond Elizabeth’s experience. Oh, it was true that there had been unfaithful couples in several congregations where Papa had served, but they had tried to keep their liaisons secret. This seemed far worse, for Tabitha’s actions could only humiliate her husband. All for a diamond bracelet.
    “You look skeptical.” Oscar buttered a piece of bread as he spoke. “Trust me, it’s true. I spend enough time with both Chadwicks to know what’s happening. Now, if you want to get Jason’s attention, pretend you’re hanging on my every word.”
    “I don’t want Jason’s attention.”
    “Don’t you?”

    Dinner seemed interminable. Though normally he would have enjoyed the numerous courses of delicious food, today Jason had only one thought: escape. Short of being rude and creating a scene that would cause Nelson more pain, there was no way to stop Tabitha from monopolizing him. Those coy looks and the way she leaned toward him, moving so that he’d have to be blind not to notice her décolletage, were invitations to a game Jason had no desire to play.
    Keeping his eyes fixed on his plate, as if the succulent beef were the most fascinating thing he’d ever seen, he tried to ignore the way Tabitha pressed her leg against his. She was beautiful. There was no doubt of that. But so was Elizabeth Harding. The difference was, Elizabeth’s beauty was softer, and she made no aggressive moves. It was almost as if she were unaware of her beauty. Jason thought that unlikely. Women were always aware of their effect on others. If they lacked beauty, they found other ways to be noticed. And yet, Elizabeth seemed different. Tonight had shown him that.
    She was more opinionated than any other woman he’d ever met, and she might slice a man’s skin with her sharp tongue if she disagreed with him, but Jason doubted she’d ever be petty, and he knew to the very marrow of his bones that if she were married, she would give her husband the love, honor, and fidelity he deserved. Elizabeth Harding was unusual and intriguing, and he wanted to learn more about her. Much more.
    They’d gotten off to a rough start, but that didn’t mean they had to remain adversaries. “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Jason could hear the reverend reciting that verse along with the rest of the Beatitudes. Jason wasn’t naturally a peacemaker. He knewthat. But he had been speaking the truth when he told Elizabeth he wanted them to have a new beginning. There was no reason to wait.
    Though Tabitha was in the middle of a sentence, Jason turned to his right and faced Elizabeth. “May I have the pleasure of escorting you home this evening?”

    E lizabeth wasn’t certain why she’d agreed. The truth was, she had been surprised by Jason’s suggestion. It was also true that she’d been impressed by his apology earlier in the evening and had found herself looking forward to sharing dinner conversation with him. It had been disappointing—decidedly disappointing—that Tabitha had dominated the table talk and kept Elizabeth from learning more about Jason, but that didn’t explain why she had accepted his invitation so quickly. Whatever the reason, she had, and here she was, sitting next to him in his comfortable carriage.
    The sun had set, but the June air was still warm enough that she was in no hurry to return home. Jason, it appeared, felt the same, for instead of continuing down 18th Street to Ferguson, following the most direct route from the Taggerts’ mansion to Elizabeth’s modest apartment, he had turned north on Warren Avenue, apparently heading for City Park.
    “Did you

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