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Book: Destiny by Fiona McIntosh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona McIntosh
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
no one to turn to other than his mother, and she was deep in her own grief.
    Gyl found himself strolling into the private royal gardens. This was a pretty walled garden which the King had built for Alyssa as his marriage gift. She could always count on it as a haven for absolute privacy; whenever he could not find his mother, he would always come to this place and sure enough, the Queen would be reading within the fragrance of her favourite magnolia tree, or writing at her bench amongst the lavenders and herbs she loved so much. He appreciated, perhaps for the first time, the privilege of having access to his mother’s place, which no person bar himself, Saxon, Sallementro and the King had permission to enter without royal assent. Gyl had not yet shed a tear over his King…this might be the quiet spot where he could sit and think about life without Lorys.
    He sat beneath an apple tree and laid his head in his hands. Tears came easily.
    ‘I…I’m sorry, I should leave,’ came a soft voice he recognised as Lauryn’s.
    Looking up, towards his mother’s favourite rose arbor, he saw Lauryn’s pretty face—so similar to Alyssa’s —staring back at him, concern written all over it.
    She stood and walked around. ‘I felt so awkward in the palace. I thought to escape here but this is a private place for you and I’ll leave.’
    Gyl said nothing but drank in the large grey-green eyes which regarded him.
    Lauryn felt uncomfortable with the way he was looking at her. ‘Gyl, I’m so very, very sorry about the King. Were you close? I mean…I’m guessing that youprobably knew him very well with our mother being married to him and all that.’ She stopped. She realised she was gabbling; he truly was disarmingly handsome, particularly when the haughty air was dropped and she could see some of his vulnerability. ‘Forgive me, Gyl, for interrupting your quiet time.’ Lauryn smiled briefly and began to walk away quickly.
    ‘Lauryn,’ he called and was glad she turned. ‘I could use the company in truth.’
    ‘Are you sure?’ She looked doubtful.
    He nodded and patted the ground next to him. ‘I’d be grateful if you joined me for a while. Where’s your brother?’
    Lauryn tentatively sat down on a bench nearby, ignoring his tempting offer to seat herself next to him. ‘I’ll stay for a few minutes if you wish.’ She smiled and he recalled from the first time he met her how delicious she looked when she allowed her smile to sparkle in her eyes. ‘Gidyon’s gone for a walk. He wishes he could have gone with our father, but I think he already feels great affection for the Queen and wants to comfort her but does not really know how. He’s so sensitive.’
    ‘Not like you?’
    ‘I hardly know Gidyon yet we both feel so close to one another. Yes, I think in all honesty I’m probably hardier than him emotionally. I think Gidyon shows his emotions whereas I’ve learned how to hide them, probably…I don’t really know.’ She shrugged.
    Gyl was surprised to feel himself grin. ‘Oh, I think you’re as tough as one of the wild boars of the forest.’
    Lauryn threw a grimace at him. ‘Charmed.’
    ‘Well, I only have our first meeting to go on.’
    ‘I was scared, Gyl. You’ve heard our story—as impossible as it must sound to you, it’s all true. I hardly understand it myself.’
    He shook his head. ‘No one will ever believe it.’
    ‘Yes, I think you’re right,’ she said. ‘But it doesn’t make it any less true.’
    ‘Tell me your story, Lauryn.’
    ‘No. You know plenty about me already. How about you tell me about you?’
    ‘All right,’ Gyl said, straightening up and closing his eyes to plan where he should begin.
    Lauryn felt her throat tighten. What a beautiful man he is, she thought as Gyl began to tell his own story. Not as tall as Gidyon or her father but they both seemed taller than any man she could remember. He had strong shoulders and his body tapered to slim hips. He wore simple

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