Chances Are

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Book: Chances Are by Erica Spindler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Spindler
nodded, Brandon picked up the newspaper clipping and stared down at the yellow, faded image. So tragic. The poor bastard had lost everything. He met the other man's eyes once again. "Who was the girl, Sebastian?"
    The lawyer stood up. "Let it rest, Brandon. These events happened thirty years ago. Don't stir up past hurts, past dirt. The way it stands now, Rhodes is secure. No one can take it away from you because no one, not your mother or the girl or her father, knows the whole truth. Just you and I. Let it die here."
    Brandon's lips tightened. That was the problem—he didn't know if he could live with the knowledge. "Who was she?"
    The determination in Brandon's expression convinced the older man to give up. He sighed. "Marie Delacroix."
    Brandon blanched. "Marie Delacroix?" he repeated stupidly. It couldn't be.... It wasn't possible. That would mean that Veronique was David Goldstein's only offspring.
    Brandon sat down. He remembered the expression in Veronique's eyes when she'd said, "I didn't know my father, either." He thought of her voice as she'd asked, "Would you rather I think of my conception as sordid? Everyone else does." He laced his fingers together thoughtfully. He knew who Veronique's father was. He could tell her...
    But to tell her about her father, he would have to tell her about his own father and what he'd done. What would she do with the information? Brandon sighed and stood. He had a lot to think about. "I appreciate your time and honesty, Sebastian."
    The attorney stood and walked him to the door. When they reached it, he laid a hand on Brandon's shoulder. "I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm going to say it anyway. Your father built Rhodes from nothing—"
    "Nothing but an idea," Brandon interrupted, his voice cold. "An idea he stole."
    "That's right. But he built Rhodes into what it is today. He put in all the money, years of hard work and sweat. If Goldstein had remained his partner, who knows if the store would have done as well. Maybe they would have sold out or gone their separate ways. Who knows? Believe this, Brandon, your father deeply regretted the actions of his youth. He would have given anything in later life to have made amends with Goldstein. Consider those things before you take action."
    Brandon's eyes met the other man's. Both their expressions were solemn. "Don't bother to show me out, Sebastian, I know the way."

    Chapter 5

    After ten days Brandon still wasn't sure what to do. For his own peace of mind he knew he had to try to make amends for his father's actions. He stared out his office window and frowned down at Canal Street. He would tell Veronique the whole story and offer her a substantial sum of money for the wrong that had been done to her father. It wouldn't undo the action, but perhaps it would equalize it a little bit. At least he would be able to sleep.
    Brandon regretfully turned away from the window. He'd had difficulty concentrating since the Sovereigns' Ball; it seemed all he'd done was stare out the window and think about his father and Veronique and a thirty-year-old drama. He sat down behind his desk and pulled out the Dallas file. The preliminary marketing report was in, and the research was favorable. By all indications a Rhodes in Dallas...
    How would Veronique react to his offer? He rubbed his throbbing temples. He could more imagine her making a public stink, going to the papers and filing suit than keeping quiet. He may be furious and disillusioned over his father's deceit, but he didn't want his father's memory or the Rhodes name destroyed by a scandal.
    Brandon's expression softened. He liked Veronique. She made him laugh and forget responsibility. She was warm and unpredictable and giving. But a colorful past and a nose for fun weren't qualities one looked for in a business partner. Nor did they instill confidence in him that she would react logically to his offer or make a businesslike decision.
    Brandon gave up the

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