Theirs to Hold (Hazard County Threesomes)

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Book: Theirs to Hold (Hazard County Threesomes) by Rory Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rory Michaels
shouldn’t have any say in the matter. All Mario and Kirby knew was they had sparks. Sparks that ignited into an inferno when Dedra was discussed.
    Some of the best sex the two had ever had came on the heels of talking through their dream of a threesome with the woman. They’d tried other threesomes but the women they picked never worked for them both. Damn, his cock was hard thinking about how good it had all felt—talking about Dedra during their time together. It would be better with Dedra. He just knew it.
    It wasn’t like he had any issues with landing women. He had the money to tempt other women, the looks to hook them and the bedroom knowledge to make them want to keep him. He ran a hand through his shoulder-length, raven-colored hair and took a deep breath. He knew he was a tramp. He wasn’t exactly proud of it though.
    He focused on Will. “You sure she’s back?”
    Will nodded. “Seen her with my own eyes.” He whistled low. “Hot damn, didn’t think she could get any better lookin’. I was wrong. She was wearin’ some fancy jeans, that ass of hers fillin’ them out just right.”
    Mario’s cock hardened at the thought.  
    Will raked an amused gaze over Mario. “Need some alone time, bud? You’re lookin’ like you might whip your cock out and have at it here and now.”
    They’d been friends a long time. Mario shrugged. “Might. You should run along now. Quick, before word gets out and rumors spread about us.”
    Tossing his head back, Will laughed. “You like pussy way too much to be throwin’ your junk out for me to see. Plus, I’m not Kirby.”
    Mario snickered and patted Will’s shoulder. “Thanks for seeing to the horses.”
    “No problem, bud.” Will turned to go but stopped. “How long before you’re in town, nippin’ at Dedra’s heels?”
    “What makes you think I’d drop everything for her?” asked Mario. He didn’t want to admit he would, but the truth was, he was desperate to get to her. First he’d call Kirby and alert him she was in town. They’d come up with a way to talk with her about what they wanted. Kirby was the obvious choice to make first contact since he and Dedra were such good friends.
    “The fact I know you.” With that, Will headed past the deep green metal trailer holding the horses and to his truck. He started it up and pulled away, waving as he went.
    The man was right. Mario would head to town as soon as he showered. Then, he’d find Dedra and do what he’d wanted to do for years—fuck her and convince her she was meant to be with not only him, but Kirby as well.
    He’d made himself a promise long ago that should their paths ever cross again, he’d make damn sure he grabbed hold of her and never let go. He made his way up the steps to his place and paused, looking out and over the ranch. Dedra had taken off for a different life. What if she’d found someone else to make her happy and what if she didn’t plan on staying in Hazard County?
    He’d worry about all that later. He pulled his cell from his pocket and pressed the first contact.
    “Kirby, she’s home. She’s back in Hazard County.”
    Silence greeted him. “You’re sure? She didn’t tell me she was coming home.”
    “Will saw her.”
    More silence followed. “What do you want to do?”

Chapter Two
    Dedra couldn’t believe how little Hazard County had changed. She’d been gone for years but it was as if time stood still while she was away. She clutched the tiny bag containing Mrs. Stanner’s delicious peanut butter cookies and walked along the sidewalk, soaking in the sights of home. She’d already stopped at the dress boutique, at the hair salon to say hello to the women working there and by the bakery for her favorite treats. City living had gifted her with losing a few pounds, but it was only because there were no bakeries there that compared to Mrs. Stanner’s.
    She let out a long, measured breath. Truth was, the city lacked something else. Or rather someone else.

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