Hawks Mountain - Mobi

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Book: Hawks Mountain - Mobi by Elizabeth Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Sinclair
Tags: Fiction / Romance - Contemporary
still living in Carson, George, an exceptionally good-looking man, always wore jeans and a cotton shirt. Granny said that ever since he’d taken office, he’d walked the streets decked out in a three-piece suit, white shirt and tie, and tried to avoid anyone who wanted to talk about his recent divorce from that sweet Lydia Wallace, Davy’s momma. Of course, it was still a mystery to most folks why a wonderful girl like Lydia had married him in the first place.
    With his Bantam rooster image seriously deflated by Granny’s stinging words, Mayor Collins backed away from the irate woman. “My apologies, Ms. Hawks. I didn’t realize—”
    “Don’t give me that, George Collins. Everybody in Carson knows that Jake’s my dog, and unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere, you do, too.” Angry red tinted Granny’s cheeks.
    More backing up.
    More deflation.
    “Yes, ma’am. It’s just that the boy—”
    Granny took a step forward. “The boy loves animals, George. Plain and simple. He’s a natural with them, and it’s time you saw that.”
    George took another step back.
    “Yes, ma’am.” Frantically, he looked around him. “Well, I’d best be mingling now. A mayor’s duties are never done ya know.” He forced a shaky smile. “Have a good day, Ms. Hawks.” Face glowing red, he almost ran in the other direction.
    Becky’s snickers joined those of the assembled crowd. George was probably the only one in Carson who called Granny Ms. Hawks, but then, according to her grandmother, he was always Ms., Mrs. or Mr.- ing people to death nowadays. Anyone would have thought he hadn’t grown up with half the population of Carson . Granny claimed it helped puff his feathers.
    “Darn fool! Picking on a poor defenseless animal and a young boy who aren’t doing anyone any harm.” Granny marched back to the blanket where Becky sat. She stopped dead. A broad smile broke across her face. “Well, glory be . Look who’s here. I sure didn’t expect to see you today.”
    Becky’s head swung sharply in the direction in which Granny aimed her grin. Nick stood a few feet away.
    “Hi.” Nick walked slowly toward them, a smile curving his mouth.
    Becky’s heart jumped into double rhythm. “Hi.”
    “I smelled all this good food clear up on the ridge and decided I needed to come down here and get some.” He squatted beside Becky.
    The way his eyes appraised her told her the food might not be the only reason he’d showed up here. A surge of pleasure rippled through her. Whatever it was that had brought him off the mountain, she thanked the Lord it had happened. Knowing his feelings about socializing, it couldn’t have been an easy decision for him.
    “Here.” Granny handed him a paper plate. “Help yourself.”
    Before he could dig into the food, Jake bounded over, tail wagging, tongue lolling from the side of his mouth. He jumped squarely on Nick. Nick tumbled backwards on top of Becky, and soon the three of them were in a tangled mess.
    Becky fought to keep from landing in the food, and at the same time twisted to right herself , but Nick’s body had her pinned to the blanket. His face hovered inches above hers, close enough to feel his warm breath on her cheeks. Pinpricks of electricity danced over her nerves. She curled her fingers to keep from grabbing Nick and trapping him against her. But good sense prevailed, and she pushed against his shoulders to help him sit up. Even after he was sitting upright again, the imprint of his body on hers remained on her flesh, as if a branding iron had been applied to her skin.
    “Sorry,” Nick said, pushing Jake off him, but the dog wasn’t taking no for an answer and climbed on Nick’s lap. He licked Nick’s face. Using his hand to ward off Jake’s wet tongue, Nick pushed him away, but Jake stood his ground.
    “Jake, sit.” Granny’s sharp command did the trick. Jake moved away and obediently sat looking from one to the other of the people around him, his

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