The Perfect Match

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Book: The Perfect Match by Katie Fforde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Fforde
haven’t seen Celine since you left Owen and Owen?’
    ‘Of course! Why on earth are you asking me?’
    He shook his head. ‘It doesn’t matter. Now.’
    As any pretence of behaving as estate agent and client had long gone, Bella said, ‘Do you get to see your little boy much? It must be hard . . .’
    ‘It is hard. But considering the circumstances, I get to see him quite often.’
    ‘Good. Now do you want to brave the garden?’
    ‘No thank you. I’m not going to buy this house.’
    ‘So what precisely are you looking for?’
    He shrugged again. ‘This is the right area and about the right size. It’s just the wrong house.’
    ‘If you gave me just a bit more idea?’ She realised she’d forgotten what he’d said, distracted from her usual professionalism. ‘Do you want a new-build, period, lots of garden for your son to run around in or—’ She stopped. An expression of something almost like pain had crossed Dominic’s face. ‘Are you all right?’
    ‘He’s not my son.’
    Bella was stunned. She didn’t know what to say. How did you react to news like that? ‘I – er—’
    ‘It’s complicated. I only found out when he was about a year old – when Celine asked for a divorce. Dylan and I had bonded. I loved him. Still do. But I’m not his father.’
    ‘That’s awful!’ Bella whispered.
    ‘Which is why, although I only have him one weekend a month, I consider myself lucky. Celine is married to his biological father now.’
    ‘I don’t know what to say.’
    Dominic bit his lips, as if suppressing some reaction. ‘I’d be grateful if you didn’t say anything about it to anyone. It doesn’t matter while I’m up here. He can be my son, which is how I think – thought of him.’
    ‘If you don’t mind me asking, why does Celine let you see him if you’re not . . . related?’
    He gave a mirthless laugh. ‘I’d like to say it’s because she’s generous and good-hearted, but actually it’s so she and her husband can have “quality time” together.’
    ‘I see.’ As he didn’t speak, she said, ‘Shall we go? If there’s nothing else you want to look at.’
    He shook his head. ‘Thank you for showing me round. Maybe if you check the details I gave your fiancé you might have an idea of what I’m looking for,’ he said curtly. ‘Goodbye!’ he added and walked out of the front door and down the path.
    It was only after she’d watched him drive away that she noticed he’d left his umbrella in the porch. She picked it up, the front part of her brain thinking this was why she rarely carried one. Having curly hair she didn’t mind if it got wet. But deeper in her consciousness, she was in turmoil.

Chapter Ten
    BELLA PARKED IN the staff car park, grateful, not for the first time, that there was one, and dashed into the office. As Nevil’s door was open and she could see him standing by the window and that he was alone, she went in.
    Nevil came up to her and pushed his fingers through her damp curls. ‘Hello, Curly.’
    Bella’s smile was so brief if you’d blinked you’d have missed it. ‘What were you up to that you couldn’t do that viewing in Little Hollow?’
    ‘You didn’t mind, did you, sweetie? It’s just you’re our very best girl, and Dominic Thane is a solicitor, new to the area, very useful contact.’
    ‘Well, it was OK,’ Bella said, ‘but why on earth did you think he’d want that horrid little house?’ She chose not to mention that she knew Dominic. Not yet anyway.
    ‘Perfect location, perfect size—’
    ‘Which is pretty much what he said, adding, “Wrong house”, which I thought was quite polite of him, considering.’
    Nevil frowned. ‘Considering what? That’s a fairly normal response to a house that isn’t quite right, I’d have thought. Bella, you didn’t do anything to upset him, did you?’
    ‘Of course not!’ Bella was indignant. ‘You know I’m always totally professional, otherwise why did you send me and not go

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