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Book: Burned by Rick Bundschuh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick Bundschuh
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ourselves at the center of the universe. We’ve all wished we could be number one. So we all deserve to be put under the repentance mat.
    â€œBut the wonderful thing, the thing that makes it a different story, is that God comes to us and lifts off the mat. By dying on the cross, Jesus took the punishment we deserve. Because of him, we are forgiven and free.”
    â€œI’m not sure about all this religious stuff,” said Liam.
    â€œI’m not talking about religion,” Bethany said with a smile. “I’m talking about having a relationship with God. Actually getting to know him!”
    â€œHow do you do that?” asked Liam.
    â€œIt’s simple! Just ask forgiveness and put your trust in him. He took the mat off you and put it on himself!”
    â€œWe can pray!” Tagiilima said, suddenly beaming with that wonderful smile of his.
    â€œYes! Please, Tagiilima,” Bethany said. “You lead us.”
    Tagiilima began to pray out loud, his imperfect English mixing with Samoan words.
    â€œPlease help me,” Liam whispered brokenly, surprising both Bethany and Tagiilima as he began to cry. “I’ve been so mad since my mom died . . .”
    What happened next, Bethany knew she would remember for the rest of her life. She felt tears fill her own eyes as she watched the huge Samoan move to the back of the van and take Liam gently in his arms as he too began to cry, sharing in Liam’s grief — as well as his new life.
    By the time Tagiilima, Bethany, and Liam pulled the camp van into its parking slot, the mood at camp was frantic. Tim ran toward the van as Bethany leaned out and called, “We found him; he’s okay!”
    A timid and fearful Liam exited the van fully expecting the rage of his cousins and the rest of the camp. Instead, he found relief and joy as everyone surrounded him.
    â€œLet’s all go to bed,” Del said wearily — but happily, as he put his arm around his cousin’s shoulders. “We can get the details in the morning.”
    Figures slowly melted back to their fales, and Liam, tired but somehow released, climbed the stairs to his bed as well.
    Bethany winced as soon as the screen door slapped shut.
    â€œI tried to stay up,” Malia said groggily. “What happened?”
    â€œYou won’t believe it!” said Bethany.
    The two girls whispered in the dark for another hour and even then Bethany found it difficult to sleep.
    â€œWhat a crazy day, God,” Bethany whispered. “This has been one crazy, terrible, and wonderful day!”

    The morning sun was high over the distant mountains by the time everyone began to trickle into the dining room for breakfast. As tired as they all were from the night before, there was no great rush to get to the boats.
    Bethany loaded her plate high with fruit and yogurt as she struggled to wake up. Malia, the only one who did get some sleep, outdid her, piling her plate high with an impressive amount of eggs, several pieces of bacon, and some toast. Tim made pig noises as he passed their table, and Malia grinned.
    â€œIf I can’t surf, I might as well eat,” Malia said airily.
    â€œHey, check it out,” Bethany whispered as all heads turned to watch Liam walk into the dining room. A weird kind of hush fell over everyone —like they were all trying to figure out what to say, if anything.
    But Liam didn’t look as if he had come for breakfast conversation — he looked like he had come to make an announcement. He glanced around the room and then cleared his throat. Bethany noticed that his cheeks were beginning to turn red.
    â€œI want to tell you all,” Liam began and then swallowed, “especially you, Malia and Bethany, that I am so sorry for how I acted in the water. And even out of the water. There’s no excuse for what I did. And Malia, I hope you can forgive me for wrecking your surf trip.”
    For a moment no one said

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