Space Plague

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Book: Space Plague by Zac Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zac Harrison
try, our friends are going to die,” John said, hoping one of them would rise to the challenge.
    “They’ll probably die anyway,” Werril pointed out. “There’s no proof these microbes will help.”
    “But they might work,” John replied quickly. “It’s got to be worth the risk.”
    “I don’t think so,” Werril said, taking a step backward. “You’d never manage to get off Hyperspace High. And even if you did, it’s a completely crazy plan.”
    “Listen to Werril,” Dol said. “It’s madness. Besides, Lorem said himself that he could never allow you to risk your life.”
    “No,” John replied quietly. “He said the Galactic Council would never allow it. He also said that the choices we make could change the future.”
    “You’re hearing what you want to hear, John,” Kritta said gently. “The headmaster didn’t mean that you should fly off and get yourself killed.”
    John looked from face to face to face. It was already obvious that none of his classmates was prepared to risk their lives. Nevertheless, they were his only hope. He would never get to the Zaleta Nebula and back on his own.
    “Think of Kaal,” he pleaded with Kritta, who he knew had a soft spot for his friend. “We have to try and help him.”
    As Dol, Kritta, and Werril looked back at him blankly, there was a rustle from behind. Mordant Talliver was standing and looking at John grimly. Groaning inwardly, John turned to face him, preparing himself for a torrent of abuse.
    Instead, Mordant said simply, “I’ll do it. I’ll go with you.”

Chapter 12
    “Are you serious?” John asked, almost choking on the words. He goggled at the half-Gargon. Mordant Talliver was the last person he would have expected to volunteer for a life-saving mission. A thought went through his mind: Of course he’s not serious, you fool. Any moment now he’s going to start laughing at you.
    Mordant’s face remained set in its grim expression. “Do I look like I’m joking?” he snapped. “There are sick people who need our help. What are you waiting for?”
    “But... but... you —”
    John did not have a chance to finish the sentence. At the end of the common room, a TravelTube door slid open, and an Examiner floated out. “Emergency quarantine rule zero-zero-twelve. No further interaction between students is permitted,” it droned. “All students confined to their dormitories until the flu epidemic has passed.”
    John glanced at Mordant. He was still unsure if the half-Gargon was trying to make a fool of him, but if they were both stuck in their dormitories, they would never get to the Zaleta Nebula.
    There’s no choice, I have to take the risk.
    As the Examiner floated closer, John shouted, “ NOW ! ”
    Instantly, John, Mordant, and G-Vez dived through the open door of the TravelTube from which the Examiner had just exited. John quickly looked back. Lights flashed across the Examiner’s spherical head. Any moment a green force would paralyse them both. He punched a panel on the inside of the TravelTube, hearing the Examiner’s voice: “Rule zero-zero-eight-three...” as the door snapped shut.
    “Deck three!” Mordant yelled.
    The TravelTube hurtled straight down.
    “No, we need to get to the main hangar, not deck three!” John shouted. “Computer—”
    A tentacle slapped across his mouth before he could give the new order. “The Examiners will be looking for us,” hissed Mordant, “and they’re hooked into the ship’s systems. If we take the TravelTube to the hangar, that’s where they’ll start searching. Understand?”
    John nodded. Mordant removed the tentacle and continued, “We’ll have to do this fast. G-Vez, you set off an alarm to distract the Examiners.”
    The silver droid bobbed at Mordant’s shoulder and said, “Yes, Master Talliver. It will be my pleasure to assist you, sir.”
    Looking at John, Mordant said, “Running from deck three to the hangar should take about five minutes. When we get there,

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