Sherlock Holmes and the King of Clubs

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Book: Sherlock Holmes and the King of Clubs by Steve Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Hayes
dominated it, one depicting Prince Eugene of Savoy, who had defended Austria from an Ottoman invasion in 1683, the other Archduke Karl, who had defeated Napoleon’s troops at the Battle of Aspern-Essling in 1809.
    Holmes, however, seemed more interested in the palace itself.
    It resembled a miniature city more than a royal residence. Originally constructed in the thirteenth century at the behest of Ottakar II of Bohemia, the oldest section now formed a square around the Schweizerhof, the Swiss Court, named after the Swiss Guard, who had been hired in the eighteenth century to protect the monarchy.
    Their next stop was the Imperial Stables, which were separate from the main complex. According to Watson’s copy of
, this was because the building had originally started life as a residence for Crown Prince Maximilian II, whose father, the Catholic Ferdinand I, did not want to live under the same roof as his Protestant son.
    Presently they reached the Burggarten where a beautiful Art Nouveau building towered over the gardens of the Imperial Palace. This, said Watson, was the Palm House. Built some eight years earlier, it now housed a large collection of live tropical butterflies. These permanent residents of the Palm House were allowed to fly unhindered throughout an artful recreation of their original environment which included a waterfall, a pond and a number of ornate bridges. For the further comfort of the
, the building was also kept comfortably warm, and on such a chilly day Watson was reluctant to leave its confines when the time came.
    Outside, the afternoon had turned distinctly colder and low grey clouds scudded overhead, propelled by a biting wind. Holmes, seemingly unaware of the inclement weather, suggested they walkthe circumference of the Palace before calling it a day.
    By this time Watson’s gammy leg was starting to play up – as it always did in damp weather – but Holmes seemed so energized by their surroundings that Watson didn’t have the heart to destroy the mood, and so agreed without demur.
    For all his aches and pains, Watson couldn’t deny that it was wonderful to be back in Holmes’s company. And, though it had been hard to accept the truth about Irene Hastings, he appreciated that Holmes had not only saved him from being gypped out of his money, but had also managed to lift him out of the dark mood which had threatened to crush him.
    â€˜I must confess,’ he remarked wearily as they continued their stroll around the palace grounds, ‘I never knew you had such an interest in architecture.’
    â€˜It is something I have begun to cultivate in my twilight years,’ Holmes said, studying his surroundings with such intensity he seemed to be trying to commit them to memory.
    As they walked on it began to sleet. Holmes showed no awareness of the foul conditions, or that Watson’s limp was increasing. Instead he became more and more withdrawn until Watson finally asked him if anything was wrong.
    Holmes shook his head. ‘Why do you ask?’
    â€˜You seem unusually preoccupied.’
    â€˜Not a bit of it.’
    â€˜Come now,’ Watsin said, exasperated. ‘You forget – I know you of old. There is something going on in that all-seeing, all-reasoning mind of yours. What is it?’
    Holmes started to reply, then stopped as he noticed how difficult Watson was finding the going.
    â€˜My dear fellow, forgive me,’ he said. ‘You are favouring your leg more than usual. And small wonder. It has been a long day and this wet weather certainly cannot do an old war wound much good.’
    â€˜That’s all right,’ Watson said, trying to make light of it. ‘I’m fine.’
    â€˜No – it was thoughtless of me to drag you along on this interminable circuit – and typical that you should acquiesce withoutcomplaint.’ Holmes stopped and clapped his companion on the arm. ‘Come

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