The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict

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Book: The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict by Raymond L. Weil Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raymond L. Weil
in the battle over New Tellus.
    “The light
cruiser BattleCry has some tactical data on the Hocklyns and AIs that are
besieging Careth,” he spoke, looking over at Colonel Trist. “Have it downloaded
to one of our tactical displays; I want to study just what Admiral Strong is up
against. Also, load the current defenses around Careth and how Strong has
deployed his fleet and other resources.”
    “Yes, Sir,”
Trist replied. “How soon is the relief fleet going to be launched?” Colonel
Trist knew that Hedon had been growing more impatient with each passing day. With
the arrival of the light cruiser from Careth, Trist knew that Hedon was highly
impatient to launch the fleet.
    “Within the
week if I have any say about it,” Hedon responded with fire in his eyes. “According
to Governor Malleck, the Altons are going to put some pressure on the
Federation Senate to launch the mission. This time I don’t believe they will
    Colonel Trist
nodded his head in understanding as he moved over to Communications to contact
the commander of the BattleCry. He knew how Hedon felt about leaving people
behind. He would move the galaxy single handedly if he had to in order to
return and rescue Admiral Strong.
Kincaid let out a heavy sigh as he sat down behind his desk. He'd just finished
presiding over a very tumultuous meeting of the Federation Senate. Ambassador
Tureen had asked to speak to the gathered senators. Kincaid had been stunned
when the Alton Ambassador had suggested that the Federation needed to launch a
relief fleet immediately to save Admiral Strong, as well as the Carethians.
Tureen had made it clear that the Altons would not look kindly upon the
Federation if the Hocklyns and the AIs were allowed to wipe out Fourth Fleet,
as well as the friendly Carethian race.
    The turning
point had been when Ambassador Tureen promised that the Altons would furnish
twenty of their battlecruisers to accompany the fleet and guaranteed the rest
of their ships would ensure the safety of the Federation while the fleet was
gone. After a long and heated debate with Senator Fulbright leading the
opposition, the vote had been taken and been carried by a twenty-two to six
    “I sense Fleet
Admiral Streth’s hand in this,” Kincaid said with a weary smile.
probably right,” Senator Anderson responded with a nod. “We all know the Fleet
Admiral has been pushing to launch the rescue fleet for weeks now.”
    “I did some
checking and Ambassador Tureen was at Ceres a few days ago,” Senator Malle
added. “I strongly suspect Governor Malleck is also involved. There are some
unconfirmed rumors that Admiral Streth was also present and Admiral Telleck is
preparing his fleet for deployment.”
Kincaid stood up and walked over to the large map of the galaxy that hung on
the wall of his office. He let his finger trace out the distance from Earth to
Careth. It was a little over seven hundred light years.
Streth would make a good politician,” he said with a short laugh, realizing the
Fleet Admiral had finally gotten his way. Then he turned back to the other two
senators. “If we’re going to do this, let’s do it right. I will send orders to
Fleet Admiral Johnson to give Admiral Streth everything he needs to launch the
rescue operation.”
    “When will it
commence?” asked Anderson, raising his eyebrows.
    “I will leave
that up to Admiral Streth,” Kincaid replied. He folded his arms across his
chest and spoke in a serious tone. “I just hope Admiral Strong and the
Carethians are still there when the admiral arrives. If not, I would not want
to be any Hocklyns or AIs in the way of the Fleet Admiral’s wrath.”
    “There will be
some serious repercussions even for us if Careth has fallen,” Senator Malle
reminded the other two. “Admiral Strong and the other four of the Special Five
are Federation heroes and are held in very high esteem by the

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