Jethro: First to Fight

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Book: Jethro: First to Fight by Chris Hechtl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Hechtl
something light to do. Light.
I plan on kicking your ass myself when I'm out of here,” he grumbled.
    “Me? What'd I do?”
    “You are looking disgustingly healthy
and I'm in a mood. Now get.”
    “Remind me to have Sergei pick you up
when they let you loose,” Jethro replied. He waved. The bear waved weakly back.
    He caught the evening shuttle back to
Firefly. Morose, thinking about the bear, how a centimeter lower and the plasma
would have cooked his brain and there would have been nothing left of him but
meat. “Just lucky I guess,” he muttered, sitting back and closing his eyes.
“Some luck.”
    “You say something?” a Marine Private
    “No, not to you,” Jethro said, not
cracking an eyelid. He heard a snort. After a moment he relaxed and let the hum
of the machinery lull him into a doze until they docked.
    Alan Nelson frowned, knowing his boss
was going to be stubborn about the agenda coming up. He watched him adjust his
tie in the mirror out of the corner of his eye. He stood there dutifully as the
man turned and adjusted his vest and then waved the steward off with the
jacket. “Not now,” he grumbled.
    “Sir, your wife told me to remind you
your daughter's recital is tonight. She expects you there,” Alan said before
his boss could settle himself into his chair.
    “You can go,” the aide said to the
steward. The man bowed slightly and left quickly and quietly as the governor
sat in his chair.
    “Oh she did, did she? Well, I'm not
interested in attending. Make up an excuse, we're busy tonight. Well, Tracy and
I will be,” Walker replied. “It's bad enough I'm doing that dinner tonight.”
    “The dinner is 50,000 credits a plate
sir. It's for your re-election campaign,” Nelson reminded him.
    “I know that, that's why I'm going.”
    “Sir, the recital is also a public
event. Part of it will be televised. And of course if you aren't seen you will
be missed.”
    “So sir, people are going to ask where
you were, and why you weren't at the recital. And they are going to start
asking themselves how dedicated to your family you really are. Which could
become a problem.”
    Walker's eyes narrowed slightly. Finally
he sighed. “You know my darling daughter has tones that can bend metal.”
    “I know she's learning sir.”
    “Fine. Get me some earplugs. Find a way
to pull me out quietly if I need to get away. Stomach bug, an urgent call,
something. I'm not sitting through the whole thing.”
    “You are going to be front row center
sir, VIP section under guard. Your leaving will be noted.”
    “Frack me,” Walker growled. “Fine. But
someone's paying for this later. I had my own plans,” he growled, closing his
eyes and slouching. “Supposed to be the governor and I can't even do what I
want,” he grumbled.
    Nelson turned away, hiding a sigh. His
boss was turning into a sullen 2 year old before his eyes and he hated it. He
hated himself for going along with it.
    As the shuttle unloaded, Jethro let the
stream of people exit ahead of him. He grabbed his small carry on and followed
in their wake. He scented a familiar scent as he entered the corridor leading
to Marine country. “Jethro!” The Gunny growled.
    “Yes Gunny?” Jethro asked, putting his
bag down and turning to face the Doberman.
    The Doberman sized him up for a moment
then snorted. “Doc Standish said you're on light duty for another few days. So,
I'm sending you to Riley. Keep him and Ox company for a while. And try,” he
held up a finger. “Try to stay out of trouble this time?” he asked.
    Jethro couldn't help but smile and flick
his ears forward. “Yes Gunny. I'll try,” he replied dutifully.
    “How's the bear?”
    “He's fine. Tired of being a pickle
floating in a jar I think. Complaining of hospital food,” Jethro said, flicking
his ears in humor.
    “Figures,” Schultz said, flicking his
own ears in humor.
    “He said he's going to be out

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