ZOMBIE'S DOOM? "Chronicles of Jack Doom"

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Book: ZOMBIE'S DOOM? "Chronicles of Jack Doom" by Will Lemen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Will Lemen
Oklahoma, while he was slowly being digested by whichever pack of carnivores decided to choke down his dumb ass for lunch.
    Whichever option was to be chosen, the choice was going to be solely up to Jason.
    Even though I had no intention of reviewing his options before the fact.
    He could choose to cooperate, and allow the zombie apocalypse to choose the time and method of his ultimate demise. Or, he could choose not to cooperate, and to die a quick and relatively painless death in Amarillo Texas by my hand.
    Either way was fine with me, but one way or another, I was going to take possession of his truck and head into Oklahoma in search of my prey.
    "That was pretty stupid of you Jason, first you didn't stay still like I told you to, and then you went outside and started shouting," I asserted, still whispering angrily.
    "I just got excited, that's all," he replied.
    "No, what you got was us almost killed," I challenged. "That's all I need, is a letter sent back to my family that reads; Jack Doom was killed because he befriended an idiot named Jason ."
    Jason had no idea whether any of my family was alive or not, but the curious look on his face when I stated that a letter might be sent to them announcing my premature death, was almost worth the price of admission.
    "Letter?" Jason asked curiously.
    "Never mind, I need the keys to your truck, hand them over," I sternly ordered.
    "That's okay, I don't mind driving," he replied.
    "No, it's not okay, you won't be coming with me, give me the keys," I demanded once more, slowly turning my rifle in his direction.
    "I don't have the keys, I left them in the truck, take the truck, just don't shoot me Mr. Doom," Jason pleaded, now again visibly afraid.
    "I intend to do just that," I said, now pointing my rifle at his chest.
    "Th...th...that's fine, y...you take the truck, I...I'll find another truck, or a car, or som...something," Jason maintained, as he began to stammer again.
    "I'm glad you see it my way Jason, now let's go get my truck, and for your sake when we get there the keys better be in it," I stressed firmly, secretly hoping that he was telling me the truth about the truck's keys.
    We cautiously retreated from the gun shop with Jason leading the way. He claimed that his vehicle was only two blocks away, so I allowed him only one knife to fend off any peril that we might encounter along the way, or that he might run into on his way back to the gun store to retrieve his other weapons after I had gone.
    "There it is; the primmer gray one parked by the curb."
    "As soon as I confirm the keys are in it and it starts, you can go back to the gun shop and pick up the rest of your guns," I affirmed.
    Jason now began to act strangely, turning his head back and forth as if he were looking urgently for something.
    I had seen this type of behavior before, in Afghanistan. Some of the hajji's we had captured had exhibited this type of behavior when they were close to panicking and trying to decide whether to make a break for it or not.
    I quickly tossed my paraphernalia into the bed of my new gray truck and glanced inside, and seeing that the ignition had no keys dangling there.
    "Son-of-a-bitch Jason, I tried to be nice," I said.
    At that moment, Jason turned and began to run back toward the gun shop.
    "Damn it Jason, I really didn't want to shoot you in the back," I mumbled to myself, as I took aim at Jason's lower spin.
    My M-4 let out four quick muffled pops as I pressed the gun's trigger to the rear. My shoulder felt a mild shove from the recoil of the weapon as I watched Jason fall to the sidewalk just yards from me with four bullets in his back.
    I had forgotten to put my rifle back into semi-auto mode before shooting Jason, so the quantity of bullets entering his body disjointed his spin on impact, splintering several of his vertebras and severing his spinal column, killing him instantly.
    Fearing the smell of blood in the air would hasten the return of the feral dogs, or bring in

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