One April Fool

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Book: One April Fool by Amity Maree Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amity Maree
it started, April stood there and reflected; so innocently, and all Penelope Winslow’s fault for always assuming the worst of everyone and never giving anyone the chance to explain before she started scolding in sharp tones.  April was positive it was human nature to want a chance to get even with a boss who was always complaining and never ever complimenting for work well done.  Thinking of the perfect prank wasn’t easy to do…

    “I hear that you are going to get Copperhead for us?” Maureen whispered, believing the break room was bugged.
    April shrugged.  “I’m having a terrible time coming up with a prank worthy of her meanness.”
    “Whatever it is, you have to make sure it’s a good one and really packs a punch.”

    It was that conversation that encouraged her to think in bigger terms, April realized.  She’d never gone out of her way to take a prank to such extremes before, and it was why she found herself with a butt that felt swollen to twice its normal size, and would hurt even more when he returned to hear what she had to say.  Not that what she had to say would make one bit of difference, of course.  He was thoroughly upset with her, and he wouldn’t entertain any excuses that her coworkers encouraged her in planning the prank.  No, he blamed her solely.  And, it was her plan, she couldn’t deny it.  She’d planned every aspect of the prank and she had enjoyed doing so.

    “Are you serious, April?” Charity’s blue eyes were huge as she looked at April with a mixture of awe and skepticism.  “Oh my!”
    “It’s absolutely perfect.”
    “It’s wicked crazy, it what it is!  What will Father Smith think…?  Did you consider that?”
    “I am sure he will get a kick out of it.”
    “Oh, April!  If you pull this off you’ll go down in history as the best practical joker ever!”
    “I’ll pull it off,” April replied with confidence.  She already had it planned down to the last detail, making sure that someone would videotape the whole thing.

    And that was her undoing, April had to admit.  Not only did the videographer film the entire prank, he also caught audience reactions, and it was her satisfied, smug expression that pointed a finger at her.  It didn’t help matters any that Charity and Maureen caved under pressure and pointed their fingers right at her and confessed that their friend planned the entire thing. There was enough evidence stacked against her that if it were a real trial, she would go to prison for life… Thankfully, what she did wasn’t illegal.  April would never go that far.

    “Well, young lady, are you finished thinking this through?” the deep voice demanded from right behind her.

    “No, sir,” April replied.

    “Fine.  I’ll give you more time.”  She heard his footsteps exiting the room once more, leaving her alone with her throbbing bottom and her troubled thoughts.

    April thought it fortunate that April Fools Day fell on a Sunday this year.  It took the practical joke out of the workplace, where only a few coworkers would witness Penelope’s embarrassment, to the Church’s yearly appreciation dinner for all of the volunteers at St. Bernadette’s Catholic Church.  The dinner was a carry-in, and the congregation was expected to come and fill the large hall and bring plenty of good food to share.  Once the meal was blessed by a prayer led by Father Smith, everyone ate their fill, and was encouraged to have seconds if they wished.  Once that part of the evening was over, Father Smith acknowledged the church members who donated their time and special gifts to St. Bernadette’s Parish. He started with the children who acted as servers during Mass, the greeters who welcomed members, old and new alike, and adults who taught religious education, the distributors who helped with Communion, the organist, the choir members, and every possible thing under the sun, until he finally thanked Penelope Winslow for

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