AMP Colossus

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Book: AMP Colossus by Stephen Arseneault Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Arseneault
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
and remain conscious.
    Again I hit the deck hard. After a short bounce, I stretched my hand out one last time. My blaster was not to be had. The Colossun again lifted me high without effort.
    Duane had joined the fight!
    I wiggled my way loose from the Colossun’s grip, grabbed my weapon, and blasted the next Colossun as he came out of the container. I struggled to run after the trauma of the repeated slams. When I reached the container door, I attempted to push it closed. I was thrown back as another Colossun emerged.
    On a second attempt, the container was closed and the latch thrown. The Colossuns inside began to beat on the door, but the container would hold. Six other Colossun soldiers had escaped.
    Duane stepped up and fired upon an android as it came up behind me.
    Duane spoke. "Sir, are you OK?"
    I replied with a pained voice, "I’ll make it. Get that hold door closed so they don’t get out into the ship!"
    Duane replied, "You blasted the door, Sir; it can’t be closed. We’ll have to take up position there and pick them off one by one."
    I turned back to a dying Wallie as he lay on the floor. "Man, what did you do? You just dove in there. You saved my life!"
    A weakening Wallie replied, "Until this day, I have been a slave for my entire life. I saw that action as possibly my only chance to die free, Mr. Grange. My body is broken beyond repair—I can feel that—but I will not die as a servant to these machines. Thank you for liberating us, Mr. Grange. I shall forever be gratefu…"
    Wallie was dead.
    After a short chase, the escaped Colossun androids were put out of commission. As I stood where the fight had begun, I looked down at Wallie’s crumpled body. Another free citizen had given his life for the cause. I shook my head as I wondered if it would ever end.
    News soon came from Grid command. One of our last transports was being sent out. A dozen crewmen were coming to assist the Tribuk. A shipping container of androids would be transferred to the transport for study back on the Grid. Duane and I would be home within a day.

Chapter 6

    The Colonel spoke. "It will take us three weeks to empty that ore hauler using that transport. I say we use that ore to build a Raider so we can take their ships out if needed."
    Admiral Zimmerman spoke next. "We need defensive ships. We don't know what firepower the Colossuns have available to them. That ore hauler out there may be ancient technology to them. From the sounds of it, the Tribuks just don't know."
    I stood. "Gentlemen. I would propose instead that we take that planet first. If it takes the Colossuns months to respond, we can have enough ore to build the ships we want for both of you. I am thinking we use this first load of ores to modify that transport for a larger carrying capacity. We send troops in with it and start hauling ore out after things are secure. Then we begin building our fleet."
    The discussion continued for another hour before a vote was taken. My idea won out. Modification to the transport Pendleford would begin immediately. Admiral Chaulk would command a landing force of Marines with the new hybrid battle suits and blasters. The Colonel and his men were itching for a fight, but the regular Grid Force would have the first crack at the Colossuns on Ponik.
    After the meeting broke up, I stayed back to talk with the Colonel. "I know you want to be right in the mix of this, Colonel, but I want to save you and the Ghouls for fleet combat. Let Chaulk handle the ground pounders and the hassle of securing the planet. And Zimmerman will command the fleet once it is built. The Gray Ghouls will be stationed on Raiders, with the job of boarding and taking over ships."
    The Colonel replied, "It's not that I disagree with any of that, Grange; it's just that the boys will be disappointed. Now that York has her prosthetic arms and legs under control, she is dying to get back out there."
    I replied, "I'm sure she will get her chance,

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