The Sword

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Authors: Gilbert Morris
Jeb. You’ve always been a good man, I know.”
    “I try to be, but from what I read in the scripture, that’s not enough. I wrote this letter to my mother. Let me read you just a bit of it.” He pulled a paper from his pocket and began to read in a low, serious tone:

    “I wish to devote one hundred dollars to the purchase of a comfortable log church near your place, because in all my observation I believe one is more needed in that neighborhood than any other I know of; and besides, ‘charity begins at home.’ Seventy-five of this one hundred dollars I have in trust for that purpose, and the remainder is my own contribution.”
    Flora exclaimed, “Why, Jeb, I know your mother will be sopleased. The church is so far she can’t go very often.”
    “She mentioned that a few times to me.”
    Flora stroked Little Flora’s silky hair. “And what church were you thinking about joining?”
    Surprise washed across Jeb’s face. “Why, Flora, I want to belong to the same church as you and my mother. The Episcopal church.”
    Joy flooded through Flora, for she’d spoken to Jeb’s mother, and they had written each other, both praying that Jeb would make a step just as this. “I have to write your mother and tell her.” Then she shook her head. “No, you put it in that letter that you’re going to join the Episcopal church. I know she will be so glad.”
    “It wasn’t a hard decision. You know, I promised my mother when I was very young that I’d never touch a drop of liquor, and I never have and I never will. But I think there’s more to being a Christian than just not doing things that are evil. When I ride into battle, I’d like to know that if I get put down I’d be in the presence of the Lord.”
    Flora held out her hand, and Jeb took it. “What a wonderful surprise you’ve given me, Jeb.” She hesitated then added, “And I have a surprise for you, too.”
    “You do? What is it?”
    “It’s about your son.” Flora laughed when she saw Jeb’s expression. This sentence seemed to amaze him completely.
    Then he cried with delight, “You mean we’re going to have another child?”
    “Yes we are, and I’m praying that God gives us a little Jeb to go along with Little Flora.”
    Jeb came off of his chair and began pacing the floor. “Well, thank God above! Nothing could’ve pleased me better.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You’re a perfect mother, and I’m working hard to be a good father.”
    Flora reached up and put her arm around his neck to pull him closer to her. His beard was scratchy, but she didn’t care. “I’m so happy, Jeb. You’re the best husband any woman could ever have. And you already are better than a good father. You’re a wonderful father.”
    Jeb straightened up and said, “You know, it’s even more important now that I try to make some extra money. I think I’m going to go to the War Department.”
    Jeb had been working on a simple mechanism that would allow a soldier to remove his saber from his belt instantly and replace it exactly the same way. At the present time, the removal of the saber was awkward and unwieldy.
    He went on, “If I can get them to adopt this, we’ll make some money off of it. It’ll be good for the army, too.”
    “Jeb, I think that’s wonderful. When will you take it to them?”
    “I’m going to write up the proposal and draw diagrams. Then I’ll be ready to present it to them.”
    “I bet they’ll buy it, too. You’re a resourceful man, Jeb Stuart.”

    Summer had passed, but in October it seemed that it was almost as sweltering in Washington as it had been in August.
    Jeb sat waiting in a large anteroom at the War Department. It had been with some trepidation that he’d asked the sergeant at the desk to deliver his message to General Stratton. That had been over an hour ago.
    As Jeb waited, he noticed an odd escalation of activity in the War Department offices. Men hurried up and down the corridors, clutching papers,

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