The Universe is a Very Big Place

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Book: The Universe is a Very Big Place by APRIL ASHEIM Read Free Book Online
Sam didn’t reply, Spring bent over, placing her head between her knees like the stewardess had instructed her to do in case of a crash. "You’re sick. Oh God, you’re dying!" She glanced from side to side, feeling like she was suddenly caged in. "Cancer? That explains so much!"
    Sam groaned. “No, not me. I have a confession, Pooks. I wasn’t really away on business. There’s no such thing as a Stock Compiling Convention." Sam turned his head and snickered into his hand and then turned back. "I was really visiting Grandma Rosary. She’s not doing well. She’s on her deathbed."
    "No!" Spring looked up and her entire body quaked. Grandma Rosary had practically raised Sam when his own mother disappeared at the age of ten. She was a wonderful woman who had always seemed so healthy and vibrant. How could this be happening? "Oh, Sam. I’m so sorry. She isn’t even that old. Well, she’s old, but not old, old." Spring lifted her hands to count out the numbers on her fingers.
    "Yes, yes, distressing news." Sam waved his free hand. "But that’s not all, Spring. She is leaving us an inheritance. A very large one."
    Spring stared at him, trying to take in what he was saying, but the words tumbled around in her head like sheets in a dryer.
    "Sweetie? Did you hear me?" Sam stood above her, knocking on her forehead with his knuckles. "Anyone home?"
    "An inheritance? For us?"
    "Yes…provided we get married. She’s a God-fearing woman and doesn’t want us living in sin." Sam kneeled down before her and looked her in the eyes. "She really, really hates sin."
    "Married?" Spring had been living with Sam for a while now, but they had never talked seriously about marriage. Come to think of it they had never talked marriage at all.
    "I got a call today," he continued, before she could settle on any one thought. "She loves you, Spring. Once the two of us are married we will get our inheritance and I will be the happiest man on Earth." Sam lifted her chin and pecked her on the lips. He squeezed both her hands in one of his and inhaled, letting it out slowly. "Spring Ryan, I have no ring for you right now, but I will get one. So, will you marry me?"
    Spring said nothing. Her mouth fell open and she looked at her feet. How had she never noticed her feet were so big. Practically clown-sized.
    Sam lifted her chin again, forcing her gaze. "I will make you happy, Spring. We will buy a house. A real house that you can call your own. No more renting. No more landlords. No more late notices. The boys will be taken care of. And so will your mother. Please say yes."
    An inheritance? Buy a house? Married to Sam? It was too much all at once. "I need to think, Sam. Give me a few days. Please?"
    Sam sweetened the deal. "And you can quit your job. You can be a stay at home mom or whatever it is you want. No more Kimberly."
    The temptation to answer yes was great. Her lips almost formed the word, but before she could make them speak she had a flash of Trevor, of the two of them together. It was a silly thought. She would never see him again. But still...
    "Please, Sam. Give me a few days. I promise I will seriously think about it."
    Sam’s face reddened and Spring couldn’t tell if he was angry or embarrassed. Maybe both. He narrowed his eyes and turned from her, storming into the bathroom. Spring heard the lock of the door behind him and the shower turn on. She sat on the bed waiting for him to come out, but he never did. At last she slumped over and sleep overcame her, taking her into a land with no dreams. When Sam finally emerged three hours later, he said nothing to her as he climbed into the bed. She pulled herself awake and crawled under the covers to join him.
    "Sam?" She whispered in the dark, but he did not answer and she knew he was feigning sleep.
    Spring pulled the pillow over her head. Where the hell was Trevor?

    Across the hall, Lanie drew a card from the Tarot deck. The Fool, a wandering child about to step over the

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