Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel
wild, uninhibited kiss as he
    Her soft, sweet moans had
his cock jerking as he pressed between her thighs, his hips rocking
against hers causing that damn short skirt to ride up. In less than
five seconds, he’d been reduced to a horny teenager thanks to the
smoking hot woman in his arms.
    “ McKenna.” Tag managed to
break the kiss, both of them panting, yet neither of them pulling
away. “If we keep this up, you’ll be naked in less than a
    The seductive little smirk
that tipped her kiss swollen lips nearly pushed Tag to his limits.
Instead of sinking to his knees and burying his head between her
luscious thighs, he pulled away, taking two steps back. If he had
hair, he would’ve thrust his hands through it at that point.
Instead, he simply stood there, staring at the one woman who single
handedly stole every ounce of his common sense with just a
    “ I’m in.” McKenna grinned,
standing up and adjusting her skirt, although it didn’t cover much
more when it was in place than it had when he’d pushed it up
farther up on her hips.
    “ Seven days,” he reminded
    “ I’m pretty sure I can
handle you, Tag,” she said with another cocky smile. “But I’ve got
a couple of amendments to the contract that I’ll be sending your
way this afternoon. If you’re still interested, call me and let me
    Tag didn’t doubt for one
second that she could say anything that would change his mind. For
some reason, he had a feeling McKenna was way more experienced in
his world than he’d given her credit for, and he was beginning to
wonder whether or not he could handle her .
    With a not so subtle adjustment, Tag
resituated himself before turning his back on her and heading to
the door.
    “ Starting tomorrow
morning,” he informed her, “you’ll meet me at the club at eight
o’clock sharp. Be sure to finish reading the contract so you know
everything to expect.” It was his turn to smile. “And I’ll be
waiting for those amendments.”

S even
    *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***
    McKenna was up with the
sun the following morning, eager and anxiously awaiting the
limousine that would be coming to pick her up. After she had
amended the contract to suit her better, she’d sent it to Tag and
received an email response. Not a phone call like she expected.
That had made her smile.
    According to the
information in the contract, she would be taking a full leave of
absence for the next week and had to be prepared to do so. That
included packing her clothes and other necessities which she had
done the night before.
    As soon as she’d received
Tag’s agreement to the additional terms, McKenna had called Whisper
into her office and shared the details that she was allowed, having
to make sure someone would handle Sensations, Inc. while she was
away. To her delight, Whisper was eager to be in charge, and since
McKenna trusted her with her life, there weren’t any
    Well, except one tiny one.
    The seven days she’d be
spending with Tag Murphy.
    As soon as she read the
fine print in the documents he’d provided her, she knew he’d set
her up. But, little did he know, she was up for the challenge. Even
if it would be the biggest one of her life thus far.
    Being under Tag’s thumb
for one whole week was going to be both exciting and nerve wracking
all at the same time. Considering the instructions he had included
in his email response, she didn’t doubt Tag was out to see how far
he would be able to push her.
    As she stood in her
kitchen, sipping coffee and watching out the front windows, McKenna
let her mind drift back to the day before and the kiss they had
shared. The full on mating of mouths was more than any kiss she’d
ever experienced and the thought of it still left her
    Lord, have mercy, the man
could kiss. The instant their mouths fused together, his exquisite
taste annihilated her brain cells, which only went to prove that
she was crazy for agreeing to do this.

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