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Book: UnexpectedFind by Nancy Corrigan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Corrigan
from the bed, tugged shorts on and ran out of the room.
    Both Seth and Levi turned in unison. They wore their sleep
clothes and their hair stood on end.
    “Mom, you’re awake,” they said together.
    She mumbled, “Yeah, I’m awake. I must’ve been tired.” She
cleared her throat. “Did you just wake up?”
    They nodded. She wasn’t surprised. They loved to sleep, much
like their animal counterparts. She smiled and ruffled their hair. “Let’s go
get breakfast.”
    After setting them up with bowls of their favorite cereal,
she grabbed the phone. Four missed calls, all from Josh. With shaky fingers,
she dialed. Got his voicemail. A call to his parents’ house and she learned he
was at the bar showing Sara everything she needed to know in order to manage
the place. He planned to take a few days off to help Megan adjust.
    Most importantly, they hadn’t had any problems last night.
Everyone was fine. Josh’s mother even mentioned the police had called and said
they’d had a break in the case. Jazz hung up the phone and let out a breath. A
break in the case meant it had been an ordinary murder, not a consequence of
the shifter world. Thank god.
    She turned to get her own breakfast but the phone in her
hand rang. She glanced at the caller ID. Rafe Alexander. Her pulse
kicked up. Butterflies took flight. She slipped out onto the deck and answered.
    “Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?”
    She grinned and ran a hand over her sleep-tousled hair.
Beautiful wasn’t the description she’d use, not first thing in the morning
anyway. Good thing he couldn’t see her. He’d run screaming in the opposite
    “I did. Actually, I just woke up,” she said in a breathless
voice that surprised her.
    “Well, you did have a late night. I’m glad I waited to call
you. I didn’t want to interrupt your beauty sleep.”
    Her smile widened. The man was sweet and considerate. “And
how about you? Did you sleep well?”
    “Hmmm, not a wink,” he groaned. “Every time I closed my
eyes, I saw yours. I’ve missed you.”
    She blew out a breath and pushed the heavy weight of her
hair off her shoulder. It didn’t help. She felt flushed. “I must admit I did
think of you too. Once or twice.”
    His deep chuckle filled the line. She reacted to the sound
as if he stood behind her and held her close. Arousal sparked along her nerve
endings, leaving her sensitized. She shifted the cotton top from her pebbled
    “Once or twice isn’t good enough, my Jasmine. I should be in
your every waking thought,” he drawled. “I want to see you. Now. I can’t wait
until tonight.”
    The demanding tone should’ve annoyed her. It didn’t. It fed
her arousal and left her hot and achy. She ran a hand over the back of her
neck. “I can’t. I have so much to do and I haven’t had a chance to call Mr.
    “Call him. I’ll pick you up at six,” Rafe said with that air
of confidence he had, as if she’d agree without hesitation. This time he was
right. She couldn’t wait to see him. Talk to him. Kiss him.
    “And Jasmine?”
    She ran her tongue over her teeth and tugged once more at
the annoying cloth rubbing against her nipples. “What?”
    “Plan for that sleepover,” he said and hung up.
    She held the phone to her chest for a moment and conjured
Rafe’s face. Her lower belly quivered. She swallowed hard and dialed Mr.
    * * * * *
    Rafe blew out a strained breath and slid the phone back into
his pocket. He glanced over the yard separating him from Jasmine. A few hundred
feet. It felt as if it were miles. His fingers itched with the desire to rip
the thin top off her body and put his mouth on her erect nipples. They pushed
against the cotton, showed him how very aroused she was. She needed a male’s
touch. His touch. He groaned and adjusted his cock. He’d been aroused most of
the night. He fucking hurt.
    “The female’s got you twisted up, Rafe. Be careful,”

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