Cash Money (Bad Money #4)

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Book: Cash Money (Bad Money #4) by Ali Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Parker
would be dead too.
    "You're going to New York for me." Billy leaned forward as Reni's hand tightened on her shoulder.
    "No, I'm not." She jerked away from Reni and turned, punching him in the nuts and pushing her chair back, which smacked into him and knocked him to the ground. "You have nothing on me."
    "I have Marcus, Kate. You think he hasn't sacrificed enough for you? He has. It's your turn, pretty girl."
    "Fuck you," she muttered, put her sunglasses on and walked out of the restaurant as the sun broke through the clouds and warmed her cold skin.
    Billy would get his way somehow. He always did.
    It was just nice to pretend that she was immune to him.
    Too bad she wasn't. No one was.

Chapter 11
    He hadn't slept at all the night before. Mike left just before six, and the rest of the night had been spent pacing the floor, trying to figure out why Kate having killed Benton was such a big deal deep down inside of him. He'd come to the conclusion that it wasn't. He was overreacting simply because of the idea of Kate pulling the trigger and taking a life. It was hypocritical as shit, and yet he couldn't help it.
    Killing changed the core of a person.
    "Is she even who I think she is?" Jon ran his hands through his hair and walked to the door as the sound of someone knocking pulled him from the endless looping conversation in his head.
    He opened it to find Kate looking more like a model that belonged on Cosmo and less like the cold-hearted bitch he was working to turn her into.
    "Hi, baby." He reached for her, taking her hand and pulling her into the house. "Why didn't you come back last night?"
    She wrapped her arms around his waist and lifted to her toes, kissing him a few times before pulling away. "I figured Mike wanted time with you. Why else would he stab at me? He doesn't even know me."
    "Yeah, he actually does." Jon snorted and followed her into the kitchen. "He knows you better than I do. I guess he got to read your file before it magically disappeared from the archives."
    She turned and pressed her hands to her hips. "And what exactly does he think he knows?"
    Jon dropped down in the closest chair to him and chuckled. "That you're a good woman in a bad situation."
    "I don't need saving, Jon. We've gone over this a million times." She sat down a few chairs away from him, and he couldn't help but notice a sadness tugging at her.
    "What's going on? Something is up. Tell me." He moved to the chair beside her and pulled her hand into his, cupping it softly and rubbing her knuckles as he studied her.
    "Nothing. Everything." She closed her eyes and let out a slow breath.
    "What can I do to help?" He scooted closer and brushed his fingers down the side of her neck. "I'm here, you know."
    "Are you?" She opened her eyes, and some of the light he was used to seeing was dimmed... gone.
    "Hell yes, I am. Let's not start this again. I'm one hundred percent in, Kate. You know that." He moved in and cupped her face. "What happened?"
    "I want to see what's in the safe you kept for Adam."
    Her words slammed into him. She didn't trust him. She'd talked herself into believing that he was something he wasn't. Not that he wasn’t doing the same thing to her in his head half the night.
    "Of course. Let me throw on some clothes, and we'll get there before the bank closes." He kissed her once before getting up and walking to the bedroom. There was far more going on with her, but he would peel her back layer by layer. He wasn't willing to deny her if it meant alleviating some of her concerns. He glanced up as she stopped at the entrance to the bedroom and leaned against the door.
    "I want to see the safe, grab something to make for dinner and spend the night here. That okay?" She crossed her arms over her chest, drawing his eyes to the thick swell of her breasts.
    "Yeah. Anything you want." He pulled his shirt over his head and walked to her, sliding his hands over her hips and leaning down to kiss her deeply, fully. "Ask

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