I Sacrifice Myself
also knew this. At least I was
hoping he did.
    “ Have you made your
decision, my kitten?”
His nickname for me sent shivers curling
down my spine, and heat through my body. It touched secret places,
places only he’d touch.
    “ I have.”
He waited patiently for my answer. My Dimi,
stood unblinking in the corner, unmoving, waiting for me to
I could not let him die.
I turned and put my back to him.
He swiftly encased me in his steel
He thought I meant to have him turn me, for
us to run from here.
    “ No, feed. Give me time to
save you.”
Dimitri paused. This was not something he
preferred to do.
    “ I have no time. They will
stake me with the dawn. It’s now or I die.”
I sighed. My heart was heavy with grief. I
closed my eyes again and sagged against him.
    “ Feed,” I demanded. I knew
their thirst was ten times what mine was and my blood, if it did
not poison them, would be like fine wine before a
No vampire could resist a free meal, and
neither could he. My temptation, which stood so blatantly before
him, would not be denied.
Within seconds he had taken his fill.
My heart slowed. My legs collapsed, and I
struggled to remain upright and on my feet. After what felt like
eternity, but was only a second, his vise-like grip was all that
held me up. The others would think he was draining me I was
    “ Stop… stop Dimi…” My
attempt was weak. With perfect hearing, he heard my whisper. The
name I used often, in the past, with such affection had gained his
attention. I was sure nothing else would have done so.
He lapped the blood pouring from the two
holes in my neck.
I was woozy and needed him to keep me from
falling flat on my face.
Despite the fact I was probably about three
to three and half quarts short of blood, I managed to remain not
only awake, but aware.
When I’d healed enough, he set me on his
bed. I thought he’d go back to his dark corner but he joined me
instead. He curled up behind me. Thoughts of his body floated
freely through my mind, all intently headed straight for the
gutter. I was doomed, and he knew it. It was only a matter of time
before the whole base did.
    “ I still want you
His voice was crisp and deadly, but
haunting, and brought back memories of us in this very same
position. His warm breath tickled my ear, as it had so many times
before. His hand found its regular spot, like he was still my Dimi,
not a blood sucking and demonic creature that sought to drain us
all as soon as he was free.
    “ I still love you too,
My confession was of no surprise to either
of us.
After an hour had passed, I sat up slowly,
careful not to anger the beast that lay ever so still behind me. He
never restrained me or blocked me. He was strong enough, even as a
newborn, to crush me instantly.
He allowed me to leave. I yearned to turn
and run back to him, to wrap myself around him, and to give into
what we both wanted. Part of me knew, deep down, that his fantasy
was the only one that ended up with us together.
As I reached the main door, I heard them
click their safeties on their guns off. The door unlocked and they
let me out, peering in at Dimitri.
I needed to finish something before my
decision was made.
With my head bowed, my steps heavy, and
breathing ragged I made my way to the star-lit court yard. I was
alone, and always would be, might as well get used to it. Dawn was
three hours away and I knew he was right. They’d stake him, as the
sun peeked from the horizon, as life wakened and continued without
us. I was out of time.
Tears pooled in my eyes and made a slow path
down my face. A guard silently patrolled within ear shot of me, but
never came close.
I must have sat there on the cold, stone
bench for some time, with my face wet and the soft breeze tickling
Ash came to me and settled beside me. He
offered me no comfort or demands for answers. He simply sat beside
me and waited for me to speak.
After some time I finally found the words I

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