The End Has Come

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Book: The End Has Come by John Joseph Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Joseph Adams
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Anthologies
would quickly go up the ladder. George knew where that ladder ended: the Army.
    The military would come. These children would be taken away. Hidden. Studied. Interrogated.
    What if someone did that to his children?
    George looked at the phone. A sense of panic crept over him, lodged in his chest, burrowed in his heart. What if he did the wrong thing? A call could get the children killed. Not calling could mean they might die, because what the hell did he know about goddamn alien children? What did they eat? What needs did they have?
    He was a fucking insurance salesman, for Christ’s sake.
    Then, the phone’s single bar blinked out.
    Zero bars.
    No connection.
    George started to shake. He’d missed his chance. How long until the cold pushed its way inside this shattered ship, started to freeze the very children he wanted to protect? Not just them: his friends would freeze as well, the boys he’d grown up with. And the one man who had helped them all understand what it meant to actually be a man? Mister Ekola was hurt; he needed help.
    One bar re-appeared.
    Maybe a chance to make only a single call before that bar blinked off again.
    His thumbs worked the smartphone, bringing up a web browser. He had to get a number and get it fast.
    One call . . . maybe he could save Mister Ekola and the children both with one call . . .
    • • • •
    The guard escorted George to his room. Maybe ten minutes to himself, tops, then George had to get to the ship and check on the children. He always had to check on the children.
    The children.
    The goddamn children.
    They had become his entire life, at the expense of the life that had been his before all of this started. Yes, a year ago he had been a simple insurance salesman. Now the face that looked at him from the mirror happened to be the most-recognized face on the planet.
    What was it now . . . four billion YouTube views and counting? The interview had been downloaded and re-uploaded so many times no one really knew for sure just how many total views there were. A million views the very first day, he was told. Within two weeks, the interview had passed by that Korean guy with the funny glasses  — and that one pop-singer girl who wore crazy outfits  — to become the most-viewed video in the history of mankind.
    The guard stopped at the door to George’s small room. Seemed like a nice enough kid, but he didn’t say much. None of the guards did. They were ordered not to, probably. Loneliness, lack of communication with other people  — just more tools for the government to isolate the thorn in its side.
    George entered. The guard stayed at the door.
    Twelve feet by twelve feet. A twin bed. A small desk with a computer that let him send and receive screened email. Email, and nothing else. The irony was hard to process: the Internet’s most popular person wasn’t allowed to use the Internet.
    He checked email. Like clockwork, the daily missive from his wife, Mary. This one started the way all of her emails started. First line, two words: Come home.
    Then, a picture of the boys. Dressed in spandex singlets this time. Youth wrestling must be starting up. God, but they were so beautiful.
    Michael and Luke had grown so much. When George had left for his two-week hunting trip, Michael had been six, Luke, eight. Now they were seven and nine. George had missed an entire year of their life. A year and counting that he would never get back.
    Luke had stopped smiling for pictures. George wasn’t sure when. A year ago, the boy had been all giggles and squeals. Now every shot of him showed a scowl, a frown. Was that normal for a growing boy, or was it because his father was gone? Mary said it was a phase, but George knew the meaning behind her words  — the phase wouldn’t have happened if George had been around.
    After come home and the picture, the usual update. The boys’ grades were slipping. Luke had gotten into a fight at school. Both of them were being more and more

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