Longed-For Hunger

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Book: Longed-For Hunger by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
converted warehouse didn’t have one. Giving Nyx’s floor one last look of longing, Denger turned and headed back to his car. He couldn’t stand out here all night mooning over her. He needed to get some sleep before he saw her again. Until he told her what he was, he needed to keep his wits about him or he’d slip up. He wanted to do this right.
    * * * * *
    Stepping out of the shadows, Sek watched Denger’s black Mustang pull away from the curb and drive off. Once it disappeared around the corner, he turned back to the converted warehouse the warrior had been standing in front of for so long. It was the address to this building Apep had given him. After hours of watching but seeing nothing but mortals come and go, Sek had thought Apep had purposely sent 64
    Longed-For Hunger
    him on a wild-goose chase. He’d been about ready to return to his lair for the night. Cursing all the time he’d wasted when he could have been using it to create more undead warriors, the roar of Denger’s Mustang reached his ears. The sight of the warrior had definitely perked up Sek.
    Looking up at the building just as Denger had done, Sek now had to figure out exactly what the warrior had found so interesting about it. Now that he knew Apep had indeed given him some useful information, all that was left to do was watch and learn as the demon god had commanded him to do. No matter how many nights it took, Sek felt sure all would be revealed to him soon. He just had to be patient and when the opportunity presented itself, he’d get his revenge and Denger would learn what happened when you fucked with a demon.
    * * * * *
    Nyx stood in front of the mirror above her dresser and looked at herself. She gave her hair another swipe with the brush, making sure the ends fell to her chin just so to frame her face to her liking. Satisfied with her hair, she put the brush on the dresser and swept her gaze down her body. Not sure where Denger was going to take her for lunch, she’d opted for a pair of black jeans and a cream-colored silk, short-sleeved blouse. And since she felt positively short around him, she was wearing a pair of black high-heeled sandals. A few squirts of perfume, and she was done.
    She took the stairs down to the main floor carefully, making sure she held on to the banister. Nyx wasn’t really a high heels kind of gal. She much preferred her runners, or a nice pair of flats. All she needed was to trip on the stairs and fall, breaking her leg in the process. She wanted to look sexy for Denger and a cast was the farthest thing from it.
    Stepping into the living room, Nyx glanced at the clock on the wall. She had about fifteen minutes before Denger would arrive. Her feet already starting to protest the high heels, she went and sat on the couch. She jumped when the phone started to ring. 65
    Marisa Chenery
    Quickly picking up the cordless on the end table, she said, “Hello?”
    “Don’t you sound chipper today,” her mom said on the other end. “Usually when I call you on a Sunday you’re a bit distracted because you have your nose buried in one of those romance novels you love so much.”
    Nyx chuckled. “I’m not that bad, Mom.”
    “Well, maybe not but you’re getting there. I bet you’re still in bed in your pajamas reading.”
    “For your information, I’m dressed and sitting in the living room.”
    “That works out well then. How about I pick you up and take you out for lunch? I feel like spending the afternoon with my favorite daughter.”
    Even though her mom couldn’t see it through the phone, Nyx shook her head. “I’m your only daughter. Unless Evan had a sex change operation without me knowing about it.”
    Her mom chuckled. “No, your brother didn’t have a sex change operation. So? Are we on for lunch?”
    Nyx swallowed. She had known she would have to tell her parents about Denger eventually, but she’d hoped to wait until she’d been seeing him a little bit longer.
    “Ah—well,” she stammered.

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