Long Gone Girl
with mischief and a wicked smile tugged at the corner
of his mouth. “A tongue-lashing sounds like fun.” He dropped the
towels on the bed and caught her against his chest. “How about one
right now?”
    Although her body thrilled for Jett’s kisses
and touch, she found her throat was suddenly tight with nerves, her
lips dry, as long-held insecurities surfaced within her. The spell
cast by the storm had dissipated and Jett suddenly seemed too big
for this tiny room, too masculine…too much for her. Charlie had
been an attractive man in his own way, but not like Jett. What
the hell am I doing?
    She flattened her palms against his chest in
a weak attempt to keep him at bay for a few moments longer whilst
she regrouped. Made herself feel less like a drowned rat. Someone
worthy of such focused sexual attention. She swallowed and dredged
up her voice. “Perhaps we should get warm and dry first.” Although
she suspected that there was one part of her that was wet and would
stay that way as long as Jett was here. Her cheeks burned at the
thought. “Let me turn on the radiator.”
    Jett released her and after kicking off her
soaked loafers, she turned away to fiddle with the knobs on the old
cast-iron heater beneath the chintz-curtained window.
    Pull yourself together, Ginny . She
wasn’t ashamed to admit to herself that she liked sex. After a year
and a half of abstinence, she now recognized that she needed sex. And she sure as hell wasn’t going to be a nun for the next few
years until she again found that special someone she might consider
marrying one day. So in the meantime, why shouldn’t she have sex
with a man, whom she knew…and wanted, badly? Even though Jett had
hinted he cared about her, she was still convinced that he was a
no-strings-attached kind of guy. What could be more perfect than a
night of passion with someone like him?
    Her sodden hair had fallen over her shoulder
and water dripped onto her hand as she adjusted the thermostat. She
needed a towel. Straightening, she turned and reached for one off
the end of the bed, and then froze. Jett was standing but a few
feet away from her by the bedside table, barefoot and shirtless,
his hands at the waist of his jeans. He started loosening his belt
    Dear God, she decided she’d never seen
anything finer than this man, right at this moment. His
overwhelming male presence filled the room. Sleek, wet muscles
gleamed in the muted lamp light. Beads of moisture clung to his
black hair and stubble darkened jaw. She wanted to run her tongue
along all his hard lines and ridges and planes, tasting the
raindrops on his skin.
    She was suddenly breathless, hot all over.
Grasping the brass bed frame for support, she ran her other shaking
hand through the tangled mess of her hair. The only sound in the
room besides the lashing rain against the casement window and the
weak spluttering of the radiator was her own rapid, shallow
    Perhaps sensing that she watched him, Jett
raised his deep blue gaze to hers. And then he smiled, slow and
sexy. “Let me help you out of your wet things.”

    Ginny snatched up a towel
from the bed and her gaze dropped away from his as she started
scrubbing at her rain darkened hair. “Um, I think I can manage,
    Damn. She was nervously biting her
lip again. The wanton girl he’d kissed in the rain was gone and the
shy version he’d known from high school was back. Jett frowned a
little and took a few steps toward her until he was standing right
in front of her. He didn’t want her to feel that way. He wanted
this to be special, for both of them.
    He prayed she wasn’t having second thoughts
about going to bed with him. But then, they hadn’t really discussed
what the game plan was before they’d got here.
    He stilled her busy hands and caught her
troubled gaze. “Ginny, I’d assumed that coming to your room meant
    “Have sex?” Ginny blushed. “Yes. Yes, that
was the intention.”
    “But if

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