Malevolence - Legacy Series Book Two (The Legacy Series)

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Book: Malevolence - Legacy Series Book Two (The Legacy Series) by Devyn Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devyn Dawson
know you wouldn’t bring anyone here you didn’t trust.   The General trusted you Parker, and that means I trust you.   I know everyone still has questions about your secret missions but they are cool with you.   Imogene will be especially glad to see you.”   I thought to him and I busted out laughing.
                “You wear the Great Wolf title well Abel, but you’re a terrible liar.”  

    Chapter 14.   Need
    “I feel so unhappy lest all should not be right.” The Almond Tree ~ Grimm’s Household Tales

                I watched the two of them walk down the corridor of the airport, laughing about who-knows-what.   Oakley had his leather jacket slung over his shoulder, and a dozen lavender roses in his other hand.   Apparently they didn’t spot the two pack wolves as they walked past.   What kind of werewolves are they if they can’t smell a pack member as they walk by.   Gus was looking at me funny as we both stood there and let them keep going.
                “Okay, that has never happened before,” I said.   “I guess we better follow them or they may end up lost.   Obviously they are jet lagged.”   We walked as fast as we could without drawing attention to us, we turned the corner and Abel jumped out in front of me and saying ‘gotcha’.   I slapped his arm, “you’re in for it Mr. Abel.”   I turned around in time to feel Oakley wrap his arms around me, picking me up and hugging me tightly to him.   He handed me the roses and I felt all tension fall from my shoulders and my heart skipped a beat.   I breathe him in, taking in his essence, which is sexier and thought provoking than the best bottle of cologne.  
                “I can’t begin to tell you what I’m going to do to you the minute I have you alone,” Oakley whispers to me.
                “I can hardly wait,” I whisper in reply.   We held hands as we walked to baggage claim and talked the usual airport small talk.
                The Rolls driver was standing outside the car chatting with yet another female driver.   I could see his long black wool coat and leather gloves giving him some warmth; but his chauffeur hat didn’t look very warm to me.   He held the door open as the four of us climbed into the car.   It felt strange having Gus sitting directly across from me as he has been by my side every minute I’ve been in Paris.   Oakley pulled me in closer and I rested my head on his chest.   I watched as Abel’s head started to droop and eyes rolled around and just a dribble of spit appeared in the corner of his mouth.  
                “Stop drooling,” Oakley said as he nudged Abel’s foot.
                Abel’s head darted up and he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.   “Sorry,” Abel said as his head started to flop over again.
                “I guess he’s a little tired,” I said.
                “He hasn’t slept since we Skyped with you the other night.   He waited up for Chrissy and they drove to town to eat breakfast at Waffle Shack, and he wouldn’t sleep on the plane.   He’s never flown before and let’s just say, he gets a little antsy.”   Oakley said as he stroked my hair.   “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you Pru.   You don’t look like you’ve run in a while, we’ll take a car and drive outside of the city and run.   Gus looks like he needs a run too.   Have any of you gone on a run since you’ve been here?”   Oakley thought to me.
                “I know my mom hasn’t; she’s been too busy with her chef and this vampire business.”   I sighed heavily, “I think it would be good for all of us to run together, we need some wolf time.   I’ve missed you too.”   I lifted my mouth to his.
                His mouth met mine halfway, I tasted the

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