The Calling

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Book: The Calling by Deborah A Hodge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah A Hodge
Tags: contemporary christian romance
not even the only pastor’s daughter ever to be divorced,” Matthew pointed out.
    “All of that’s true, but what I did, I did when I was rebelling against God, and I didn’t even know it. Before I married Justin, there were questions I should have asked and things I should have recognized, but I was blind to my motives for marrying him and blind to myself. Consequently, I married a man that I should never have married. I hurt a lot of people, people I love, that should never have been hurt.”
    “But, you weren’t the one who left the marriage,” Matthew reminded her.
    “No, I wasn’t, but that doesn’t matter. Lots of people got hurt.”
    “It does matter, if you were faithful and your husband wasn’t. You were the offended one. You had biblical grounds for divorce.”
    “That may be true, but I think my husband felt like he had been sold a bill of goods,” Cate’s shoulders fell.
    “What do you mean?”
    “I mean that I wasn’t living as a Christian ought to live at that time, and later I found out that Justin wasn’t a Christian at all. When I began to try to live as a Christian should, that caused big problems in my marriage. Therefore, I have to bear some responsibility for what happened.”
    “But, your husband was the one who left the marriage wasn’t he?”
    “David told you a lot, huh?” Cate asked.
    “Yes, but only because I asked. I hope you don’t mind. I promise I wasn’ trying to pry. I just wanted to know about you.”
     “No, I don’t mind. It’s not like I’m trying to hide anything,” Cate replied. “I’m just amazed that you hired a divorcee to teach in your mission school. Some boards would have never considered a divorced person.”
    “I hired you for two major reasons. You had impeccable recommendations from your previous employers and David vouched for you. David’s recommendation goes a very long way with me and our board. He thinks a lot of you, you know.” As Matthew explained, he saw Cate blush.
    “Yeah, David’s a great guy.”
    “Yeah, he is a great guy, and I hope when you get to know me better that you will think that I’m a great guy too.”
    “I already think you’re pretty great. After all, you’ve given me a chance to follow God’s calling and teach in a mission school,” Cate confessed, with a big smile.
    “Just wait. Give me a chance and you’ll have many more reasons to think I’m a great guy.” Matthew tried to sound as if he was joking, but decided to be serious, “Cate, I think you’re special, and based on everything I know about you now, I really would like for us to get to know each other better. I think you and I might be good for each other.”
    “Matthew, I really just want to focus on getting use to things here and doing a good job. Really, for now…”
    “I understand and trust me, I’m all for that, but that doesn’t necessarily exclude us getting to know each other. Does it?”
    “No, I guess not,” Cate answered, reluctantly agreeing. “But, I want you to know up front that I’m not looking for romance. Friendship is fine. Romance is not.”
    “Friendship is good, but why not allow for the possibility of romance?”
    “Too many complications,” Cate answered, shaking her head ‘no’.
    “Complications can be dealt with.”
    “Some can, some can’t, and I don’t even want to think about it all,” Cate answered. “Please, for now…”
    Matthew took her hand, and looked into her eyes. “Okay, friendship,” and then kissing her hand, he added, “for now.”
    Cate breathed a big sigh and shook her head again.
    “When you get to know me better, you’ll find that I am an eternal optimist,” he responded with a broad grin. Looking at his watch, he continued, “I suspect that if I don’t want Miss Janet to fuss at me for keeping you out so late, I had better get you home.”
    As they drove home, they continued to make small talk. Matthew was very easy to talk to about anything. Cate found herself

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