Winter Term at Malory Towers

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Book: Winter Term at Malory Towers by Enid Blyton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Enid Blyton
Tags: Fiction
Olive, who was surprised to discover that she felt a little cheered by Felicity’s interest. Then Bonnie, who was sitting nearby, said, ‘Well, I walked by the classroom earlier, and you certainly didn’t seem to be working very hard then. You were standing by Miss Tallant’s desk, and the two of you were talking about something.’
    â€˜She was explaining the work to me,’ snapped Olive, giving Bonnie a look of dislike. ‘And how dare you spy on me?’
    â€˜I wasn’t spying,’ said Bonnie, with a disdainful little laugh. ‘I just happened to be passing. As if I would want to spy on you .’
    Olive flushed angrily, and lapsed into her usual morose silence. When the meal was over and the girls left the dining-room, Olive turned to go towards the common-room. Susan called her name, and said, ‘Where do you think you’re going? Have you forgotten that we are holding auditions for our play in the hall?’
    Olive hadn’t forgotten, for the girls had talked of little else for days. But she had been hoping to slip away unnoticed, and avoid having anything to do with the stupid play.
    â€˜Do I have to come?’ she asked Susan now, her mouth set in a discontented droop.
    â€˜Yes, you jolly well do,’ answered Susan sternly. ‘Just for once, Olive, show a bit of team spirit, and do something to help the form.’
    So, reluctantly, Olive followed the others over to the big hall. There was a stage at one end of the room, with several rows of chairs set out in front of it. Felicity, Susan and Sylvia, as producers, took three chairs in the front row, while the rest of the fourth form filed into the seats behind. There was a great deal of scraping of chairs and shuffling of feet, but once the noise died down, Susan stood up and addressed everyone. ‘Well, girls, you all know why we are here,’ she said in her clear voice. ‘So let’s begin casting the parts, and not waste any time. Of course, the two most important roles in the play are those of the fairy doll, and Amelia, the little girl who finds her. Now, who is interested in auditioning for the part of the fairy?’
    Three girls put their hands up at once. One was Jenny,a tall, dark, West Tower girl, who had a beautiful singing voice. The second was Nora. And the third, of course, was Bonnie.
    â€˜Very well, we shall try all three of you out in the part,’ said Susan. ‘As you know, whoever plays the fairy has to sing and dance, as well as act, so we really need someone who is a good all-rounder. Jenny, if you would like to take the stage first, please, we can—’
    Just then the big door at the back of the hall opened, and Susan stared in surprise as Miss Tallant entered. The rest of the girls turned to see who had come in, getting politely to their feet when they realised that it was one of the mistresses. But whatever was she doing here?
    They soon found out! Miss Tallant strode briskly to the front of the hall and said, ‘Sit down, please, Susan.’
    Astonished, and none too pleased, Susan did as she was told, and Miss Tallant faced the fourth formers.
    â€˜I understand that you have decided to perform a play called The Christmas Tree Fairy ,’ she said. ‘Quite a good little play, though rather short.’
    The fourth formers looked at one another in consternation. This was their play. What business of Miss Tallant’s was it? Susan spoke up. ‘We are going to make it longer by adding a few touches of our own, Miss Tallant.’
    â€˜I see,’ said the mistress. ‘What do you have in mind?’
    â€˜Well, we are going to add a song and dance, and June and Freddie are going to write a few jokes,’ explained Susan.
    Miss Tallant gave a cold little smile and said, ‘Indeed?Well, I shall have to approve them first. Now, I suggest that we begin casting the parts.’
    The girls began to mutter among themselves, quite

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