Perfect Together

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Book: Perfect Together by Carly Phillips Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carly Phillips
    Hewinked at her and went about his business. He hadn’t inherited his sister’s propensity for talking or gossip.
    “Have fun tonight,” she said to her aunt, and walked back into the restaurant with Tyler’s food.
    She set his meal in front of him, noting once more the utter perfection of his chiseled features, and did her best not to sigh. In a small town like Serendipity, Macy had seen all the available men and often despaired of meeting anyone new. Didn’t it figure the one she found droolworthy was her new friend’s ex. And true friends just didn’t go there.
    “Enjoy,” she said, turning to go.
    “Keep me company?” he asked, surprising her.
    She wasn’t technically scheduled to work anyway . . . “Let me just get myself something to eat and I’ll be right back,” she agreed, knowing that her attraction to this man was a bad thing.
    But he hadn’t shown any reciprocal interest and clearly he was here for Nicole. And if Nicole had really ended things with him, he wouldn’t remain in town for long. So Macy decided that keeping him company wouldn’t hurt anyone at all.

    Afterviewing the absolutely perfect house next door to Sam’s, Nicole immediately agreed to the rental. She and Henry Brown, a nice older man, had shaken hands, and with them moving out for good tomorrow, she could be in this coming weekend. In true small-town fashion, the couple wasn’t worried about doing a background check because they were happy to take Sam the cop’s word, and he’d vouched for Nicole. Promising to forward the lease information tomorrow, they said good-bye, excited to let their children know about the rental.
    Nicole had a new home.
    Suddenly overwhelmed, she tried not to panic. She had to make a list of things to do—talk to Joe, her landlord, and give notice; pack up her apartment; hire movers . . . or could she do the move in short car trips?
    “Areyou okay?” Sam asked as they walked back across the lawn.
    She nodded. “I think I’m just in shock.”
    He laughed. “Good shock, I hope.”
    She thought about the kitchen and the space, the beautiful bedroom with a small chaise longue giving her a place to curl up and read. “Awesome shock,” she assured him. “I’m going to love living in a house.”
    “I’m going to love having you next door,” he said in a husky voice.
    She shivered at the sexual innuendo inherent in his words and his tone.
    She followed him inside his house and into the kitchen.
    Without warning, a yawn hit. She covered her mouth but was unable to stifle the small noise that escaped, and she laughed.
    “The day must be catching up with me. I’m exhausted.” She turned to Sam. “Would you mind driving me back to town?”
    “Yes, I think I would mind.” He stepped closer, invading her personal space, not that she cared.
    He smelled deliciously male and her exhaustion disappeared, replaced by something far more pleasurable.
    “I spent the whole day apartment hunting and I worked up an appetite. I kept you company while you did your thing. The least you could do is stay and have dinner with me,” he said in a teasing but self-assured tone.
    She was simultaneously amused and pleased with his blatant attempt to keep her around. “Pizza?” she asked hopefully.
    “You got it,” he said, with a satisfied grin.
    She guessed he hadn’t been sure she’d stay. As if she’dwant to be anywhere else. These uncertain, awkward moments were normal, but she knew for sure there was nothing questionable about what she felt for this man. As long as she kept things simple and uncomplicated, she’d be fine.
    “Toppings?” he asked, picking up the phone.
    “Your choice. I’m easy.”
    His eyes darkened at her accidental double entendre. He ordered a large everything pizza, requested delivery, pulled two beers from the fridge, and offered her one.
    She nodded. “I’ve always had a weakness for cold beer. Ever since college, other girls liked wine, but I preferred beer. I

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